Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stamping Away Weekend!

So this past weekend,  I hosted 4 of my good stamping friends at my home......Jen, LaurieEva, and Barb.  It was cozy in my stamping room and I'm sure the accommodations weren't the best in the west but I think everyone that came had a great time.  I know I did!  So much in fact, I'm looking at my schedule for the next time we can get together!  I didn't get as much done as everyone else but I enjoyed watching everyone else creating and soo enjoyed having company to chat and enjoy this hobby together! 

I have a few photos to share and yes not everyone is represented.  My friend, Barb, doesn't do pictures AT ALL.  I mean if we sneak one, she isn't a happy camper!  So she ended up being our photographer!

Front:  Eva and Jen          Back:  Laurie and Me

Here we even had a sweet little helper (in the form of my daughter, Payton) at the Big Shot station.........she helped us die cut our paper and walked around and gave us little notes and told us she liked our cards!   

Sorry Jen, I know you don't like this photo but it's one of my favorites!  This was taken by Laurie on her iphone and edited with the app:  Instagram!

The added person to this group is Jinny Newlin!  She so graciously met us for dinner at the end of our day of shopping in KC!  We ate at a fantastic Chinese restaurant:  BoLings!


Unknown said...

Cute photos! I don't know what Jen is talking about, the photo of you two is great! It's so fun when we can get together with scrapping buds! Thanks for sharing the highlights with us:)

Lee Anne said...

Yay! Thanks for sharing all the fun with us.

Kara said...

how lucky that you are able to get together like this!! looks like a wonderful time!

Lynn said...

How fun! I'm sure you had a great time! Next time in KC...I will let you know! Would love to me you in person!!

Aimes said...

Oh what fun!!!!! Just love me a good inky get-together with fellow stampy peeps! Wish we could all live closer!
If you're ever over here you can come play at mine :D

Renee said...

What fun!
All of you look fabby and like you are having such a great time!
Thank you so much for sharing! :)

Christina said...

So fun! Looks like you had a great weekend together! I may have to plan my next vacation around Kansas! LOL!

Lindsay said...

Love the pictures Amy! So glad you shared them, everyone looks like they had a great time!

Suzanne said...


I am psyched you all had fun though, and I have loved seeing all your creations posted on your blogs!!

Eva said...

LOL! I almost posted my pic too...I am so acting like a dork in the picture you have! It was a good time for sure.

Lisa Petrella said...

GREAT photos, Amy! Looks like you gals had a fantastic time!

Anonymous said...

Looks so fun! Would love to see more of your craft room!

Barb said...

So much fun... so little time :) YOU all look fabulous and seriously can't wait for the next get-together... maybe I'll actually get something done for fun instead of for classses ;)

Jinny Newlin said...

Such great pics, Amy! It was so fun to meet you! Thanks for taking the time to have a scrumptious dinner with me!

Laurie said...

We had way too much fun! I don't think I have laughed like that in foreveA! So fun! Love all the pics even though I look like I just fell out of bed in that first one. Ew! hehe!

Sue Ann said...


Jen Carter said...

So fun to look at these...I need to get them from you! I'm laughing because the one that I didn't like is probably my favorite of them all, lol! Thanks so much for letting us crash at your house! Can't wait until next time!

Kristin said...

thank you so much for sharing these awesome pics!!! love looking at them all :-)

Dana said...

You girls are so cute. Even better looking in real life than in the tiny blog photos. I'm totally jealous of your stamping/friend time!!!!

Katie said...

So fun! I'm so glad you had such a great time! Love that your daughter wanted to get in on the fun as well...I can't keep my daughters away if I'm in there while they're awake!

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