Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top Ten of 2010

Happy New Year!
I thought I would ring in the new year with a short visit of
my Top Ten cards of 2010 in no particular order.
It was a lot of fun to go back through my posts last year and see how my
card making and picture taking have evolved.


Cathy Weber said...

Amy, I really loved a lot of your cards. You definitely have a very similar style to the one I use. My very favorites were You are one of My Favorite Things, Congrats, and Celebrate Your Day. I especially loved all the texture you used on these cards and those rolled flowers on the Favorite Things card were so pretty. Thanks for sharing with us.

Sue Ann said...

I would also like to add the cards from the Aug 20th and 22nd posts and the post from July 6th ..... You always do amazing work. There is also one other card I am thinking of but cannot find with flowers and ripe avocado and plum pudding ...... I think and maybe some brown!!! Have A HAPPY NEW YEAR~~~~

Stephanie said...

Amy these are all so, so gorgeous!!! I seriously can't say just one is my favorite. Everything you make is just classy and elegant. Thanks for giving me such confidence this year and I can't wait to see what you bring in 2011!

Huguenot Girl said...

Just found your blog today. Loving all your cards - simply gorgeous! Looking forward to your creations in 2011. Happy New Year! Nicole

Keva said...

Yeah, all of those are awesome Amy. I think my favorite one is the "You are one of my favorite things"'s just jaw dropping.

Taheerah said...

Amy I don't know how you even picked a Top Ten as all your creations are always so wow! Thanks so much for sharing these. I think my favourite is the 'You Are One Of My Favourite Things' card - just love the colours and the damask!

Terri said...

They are all great! My favortie is the turquoise and red one. Those are my favorite colors. Happy New Year!

Lee said...

Each and every card is praise worthy. Always love visiting your much inspiration. My favourite is the beautiful CAS 'Celebrate your day' card.

Kim O'Connell said...

"There's nothing better than a true friend" and congrats" are my favs, but all are fabulous! Love ricking out to the music on your blog, too! Happy New Year!

Kara said...

beautiful the bicycle card!

Lindsay said...

LOVE all of these Amy! They all have your signature touches on them and they are beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration this year!

Silke Ledlow said...

Gosh GF...these are all fabbo!!! I can't pick a favorite...I love them all!!! I adore your clean style :)!!! Hugs ~S~

Unknown said...

Ah! These are ALL gorgeous! I really love the brown congrats card and the pink hearts cards. Oh, happy belated birthday to you!

Christina said...

What a gorgeous collection, Amy! So much inspiration on this page! I couldn't possibly pick a favorite. I'm looking forward to another year of your fabulous creations!

Jen Carter said...

Love them all! You already know which one my favorite is, the giga guidelines letterpressed one, so I'll tell you my 2nd favorite has to be the white one with the red & Hawaiian Shores flowers on beautiful and CAS. I also love the bike with the banner behind it!! So cute!

Anonymous said...

Amy, Love all of your cards! they are stunning!

Kelly S. said...

Gotta love that Moxie Fab card that made you FAMOUS! So much to love here, Amy, you have such an amazing graceful style! Just love the last card with the way you stamped and colored the flower and then die cut the frame. That layout is SUPER cool. Annnd gotta mention the beautiful clean style of the "It's your day!" card and those refreshing colors, ahhhh!

Sharron said...

Love your clean, fresh style! All of your cards are so amazing. I couldn't put a favorite since they are all just wonderful.

Melissa said...

All are beautiful cards, Amy! Your "favorite thing" card is my fav!

Happy New Year!

Eva said...

Amy you are such an inspiration, I look forward to seeing your 2011 creations. I was going to try to pick one or two favorites out of this bunch but i just cant---there are SO many. You so ROCK at this thing called stamping!

~Tammy~ said...

Love them ALL!

Courtney Baker said...

Fabulous cards Amy! I can't wait to see what you make in 2011.

Suzanne said...

Amy, I remember so many of these and love all of them so much. I love visiting your blog - your work is superb! I love your ability to pick great color combos too. :) One talented lady!

Emily Keaton said...

Hi Amy! I just wanted to say thanks for dropping by my blog today . . . and staying a while!! I'd forgotten about the Moxie Fab Glitter is Glam challenge, so thanks for the reminder. I squeaked in under the wire to enter!! I thoroughly enjoyed taking a peek at all of your top 10 cards for 2010. Every single one is a beauty! I've just become a follower--I'll be back {often} to see your incredible work. :)

Michele Gross said...

Love this blog post :) So fun to see your favorites and one thing is for sure...You are a very talented card maker!! You have such a wonderful style-graceful and elegant with a touch of fun thrown in for good measure :) Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for this year!!

Colleen Dietrich said...

Love your simple, clean style (I'm kinda partial to that myself!). So glad you put a bunch of pix here for a retrospect. THey are so nice!

Katie said...

What a treat to see so much eye candy in one place! Love the Favorite Things, Congrats, and Be Mine cards the mostest! So happy to have your blog in my 'list'!

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