Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Papertrey Paper Dolls Challenge #9

This challenge hosted by Katie was certainly a fun one:  What is old is new! 
I had to go back in time and find my first PTI stamp set.......So, I have a challenge of  my own! 
Can you guess which PTI set my card is made from? 
Hint:  it's NOTHING baby related!

I did have to think outside the box for my "baby" card but I LOVE how it turned out!!  I sooo want PTI to release their own BANNER SET!!!  Please please please!!  So, I created a banner of my own!

Any guesses yet?  Here is a close up picture of the border I created with one of the stamps from this set. 
Another hint:  I only used 2 total stamps from this set!  (and Baby Button Bits)

Please come and play with the Papertrey Paper Dolls blog......we have great challenges!
Thanks for visiting my blog!  I'd love to hear your guesses!!

{Welcome Little One}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Baby Button Bits and ????????
Paper:  Rustic White, Kraft, Sweet Blush, Bitty Dots DP, Bitty Box DP
Ink:  Versamark, Sweet Blush, Spring Moss, Lemon Tart, True Black
Misc:  Spring Moss buttons, Sweet Blush buttons, Lemon Tart buttons, button twine, pop dots, SU marker,
Top Note die (SU)


Anika said...

It's the jack-o-lantern eye from Spooky Sweets! Such a fun set! Cute card, Amy. I am attempting to finish up this challenge today, too!

Jen Carter said...

I had no idea what set you used until I read Anika's comment! VERY creative Amy! I am flipping over this...but unfortunately it is in a set I won't buy.! You seriously "rocked" this one!!! Love, love it!!

Dana said...

I had no idea so I went to PTI and looked at EACH set, and still couldn't figure it out till I saw Anika's comment! Clever girl!

And PTI does indeed have a banner set, it's in "It's A Celebration"...and lots of folks use the banners in it. Great card, love the colors.

Monica K. said...

How creative to use the halloween set to make a baby card!! Your banner looks great! And your card is gorgeous!

Aimes said...

OMG what an adorable card and what a GENIUS way to use that set! Fabulous!

Laurie said...

Super cute Amy!

Mary said...

Adorable and I am just like the others - clueless! Glad someone knew so I didn't have to hunt. Great baby card!

Silke Ledlow said...

Totally cute card Amy!!! Love the little banner :) with the buttons!!! I have no idea what Set you used...sorry!?! Hugs ~S~

Alice said...

too cute! love that banner!

Diane Jaquay said...

This is completely ADORABLE Amy, love love love it!!!

Terri said...

Super cute. Love the banner. I had no idea what set it was until I read the other comments. Great way to use it!

Cindy Haffner said...

Oh so FUN and CUTE!!

Jill said...

Ooh, what a great banner! I love it! I'm another who never would have guessed the stamp set you used--it was fun trying to figure it out, though! :-D

Anonymous said...

Amy, this is a very beautiful card, I am lovin your style, you go girl!

Susan said...

I absolutely LOVE this card!! And using the set you used is GENIUS!!! Love it!!

Sherry Eckblad said...

fabulous card and love the way you used the eye for the banner. I would of never thought of it.

I do wish PTI would release a banner die cut!

Barb said...

I am loving these soft colors with kraft!!! Super cute, Amy!

Jackie Pedro said...

Amy, this is ADORABLE!!!

Barbara said...

How stinkin' creative, Amy! And what a darling card!

Erica said...

What a sweet baby card.

Lee Anne said...

You are too clever!! Love this card and I want a PTI banner set too!

Nerina said...

What a totally DARLING baby card! I read the first comment by Anika - given a billion years, I don't think I could have come up with that!!!! This is bRiLLiaNT!!

Lisa Voerg said...

Anika wins! I would have had to look at each set and it looks like Dana did with no luck. Holy cow this card is sooooo cute and genius. Another fantastic card.

Michelle (abzzymom) said...

This is so cute, Amy! I never would have guessed it was the eye from the large pumpkin. Way to think outside the box!

Jennifer K said...

So cute, Amy! Love that adorable banner.

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