Saturday, September 2, 2017

Simon Says Stamp / STAMPtember Blog Hop

Amazing Messages 

It's STAMPtember at Simon Says Stamp!  This is such a FUN time of year and Simon Says Stamp has some AMAZING new products that just released!  I am thrilled to help share this event with the STAMPtember blog hop!

I am featuring the Amazing Messages stamp set.  As soon as I got this set, I couldn't help but think of those very popular coloring books out there right now.  So, I went about creating this same look on my card.  

I stamped the FANTASTIC rainbow sentiment multiple times across a trimmed white panel using Memento Tuxedo Black ink.  I knew I wanted to leave areas "uncolored" for the look of the coloring books so I purposely only colored the word FANTASTIC in rainbow colors.  I added in some of the small accent stamps in and around the images to fill out the design.  I added this panel to a piece of black cardstock and adhered a white heat embossed sentiment with foam adhesive.  I think this set is perfect for my young teens in the house!  

Amazing Messages2

You can find all of the AMAZING new STAMPtember release HERE!

***Comment to Win***

Leave a comment here on my blog and on all the blogs along the hop!  Simon Says Stamp is giving away a $50 coupon to every stop on the hop - this is double what they usually do for blog hops because STAMPtember® is special!  Don't forget to continue on the hop of some AMAZING designers!  Winners will be chosen over the weekend and posted on the Simon Says Stamp blog on Tuesday.

Amy Kolling-->you are here


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Unknown said...

Love the Comic colors you chose for this card!

Teresa Doyle said...

Oh Amy, this is adorable, I love this card. It is perfect for any age or gender.

Unknown said...

I love this card, it has the feel of my childhood!

Zarah said...

That is so cute! Loving the repetitive background and then the pop of extras pulling the eye to the "actual" sentiment. TFS!

Carol Mac said...

What a great card for a child! Fantastic!

Unknown said...

Bright and funny card!

bev p said...

Such a happy card of encouragement. Thanks so much.

Hanna Lyons said...

I love the bright pops of color with the black and white! Great card! Thank you.

Jamie said...

Love the rainbows and bright colors! Each one of you has such wonderful ideas! Thanks for sharing!

Johnna said...

Those sayings are awesome. Love how you used one of them on your card.

Kira N. said...

Love this card! The Amazing Messages stamp set is my favorite from this release!

RuthJ said...

Love that the card can be for any age or male or female. So hard to do masculine cards and your design works!

Carrie R. said...

I love the colorful graphic look of your card. It will surely put a smile on the recipient's face.

Phi said...

Fun card. Thanks for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

Fantastic card! Thanks for sharing.

Lisa T said...

What a fun card! Just like the colouring books, these are just so sweet and happy! We should have rainbows on every card we make!

wendance said...

Love these cards! Thanks so much for sharing!

lulyg said...

Thanks for all the fun inspiration!

Stampinator said...

What a fun and uplifting cards! The world needs more reminders like that. Love it!

canadian_liner said...

I love how you resisted the urge to colour in the rainbows and turned the sentiment letters into a rainbow instead. Love the graphic black-white-and-red theme, too. YOU are FANTASTIC!

tani said...

Love this card. You are "fantastic".

Pam said...

Super adorable card! Love the brilliant colors.

Paula Ganyard said...

Thanks for sharing your designs

forpahl5 said...

Fantastic! Back at you!

LaNell said...

Love the rainbows! Thanks

Sallyann said...

Adorable fun card! Love it!

Bacon said...

Love the simple but colour pattern you've created.

Sue McRae said...

Very fun and colorful background!

DGolly said...

What a fun playful card. Thanks for the inspiration.

Jan G said...

Great card

Nancy said...

So fun and colorful!

Bo Prior said...

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing this fun card.

Cheryl S. said...

What a fun card - and "you are amazing"!!

Sybi said...

Awesome, colorful, happy card.

Donna said...

Cute, cute card. I love how inspirational and the bright colors.

Tonya said...

Your card is so cute! It does look like a coloring page. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

What a great way to use that set.

Unknown said...

Fun card, love the bright colors!

Mirella said...

Lovely and cheerful card, thanks so much for inspiring!

LibLady said...

Love your rainbow cards!

Lisa Moline said...

What a "fantastic" colorful card!! Love it!

Suzan Dorchik said...

Fantastic card. Love the simplicity of only colouring the sentiment and leaving the background black and white.

Jacqueline Valade said...

This card would be great for an adult friend OR a kid.

stampwithsandy said...

Such a fun card! Love the rainbow colors!

Migdalia said...

Such a cheerful card! Absolutely amazing!

HelenM said...


Kim W said...

So bright and fun!! Thanks for the inspiration on creating a patterned paper with a stamp!!

Carol Rossouw said...

This is an awesome blog hop with amazing inspiration from you! Beautiful card!

Stefanie White said...

This is adorable Amy!

Unknown said...

Love the comic book feel of this card! Thanks so much for the inspiration :)

Tammy H said...

What a great way to encourage and lift someone's spirits. Fun idea.

Tammy H said...

What a great vote of confidence and encouragement for some lucky recipient. So cheerful too.

Dee said...

I am over the rainbow 🌈 with this fantastic card. What a great idea to color the word fantastic and leave the rainbows untouched, Wow!!!

sotama14 said...

Love this happy card !!

Heather B. said...

Awesome design!

Shannon said...

What a fun and encouraging card - a perfect instant pick-me-up!

Unknown said...

Great cards!

Unknown said...

Very cute, uplifting, positive card!!!

Betty said...

such a fun cheerful card, Amy!

Unknown said...

Such a bright and fun card. Love it!!!!!

Alison said...

Awesome card! Love how you colored in the letters such a fun idea.

MajdaP said...

Great design! Thank you for inspiration! said...

bright, happy, colorful card! love it!

Tasha Vovchuk said...

Absolutely smart and amazing! Love it!

Tammy B said...

Thank you for reminding me just how effective repetition is!

Unknown said...

What a great idea, to make it look like a coloring page. This is beautiful!

Cassandra said...

'Fantastic' use of repeat stamping! Ha! Awesome card. :)

Sunny Qi said...

Amazing colorful card! Thanks for sharing.

starqueen said...

Hi Amy,
What a great inspirational card! Loving this release!👏🏻

starqueen said...

Hi Amy,
Your card is inspirational! This is a such a fun release!👏🏻

Monika/Buzsy said...

Darling card Amy! Love the cool background with the repeated image! Nice and colorful!

Daria Z. said...

Such a fun and colorful card!

Christine_sz said...

Cute cards! I really like this set. It will likely make its way to my craft room before the month is over!

Laraine R said...

Amazing card! Love the new release!

Unknown said...

So colorful, yet so simple for us looking for a new design to inspire us!

LoveSexy said...

Love the boldness and white space on this card. I think it's perfect

sharon said...

I love that you colored the letters, not the rainbows.

roxiemic said...

this is a fun and neat card

Sharon77 said...

Such a lovely fun colourful card, I love it!

Tina said...

So fun and colorful

Kim Faucher said...

Darling card!! I love the rainbow colors and clouds

Judy Tuck said...

Such a fun card! Great design!

Lieve said...

Oh, what an original colourful card ! I like it !!
Thanks for the inspiration.
Greetings from Belgium.

Sharon said...

I'm loving this Amazing Messages stamp set. I'm loving this whole release! Thank you for your card.

Andre M. said...

Very adorable card. Thank you for the inspiration.

Jill said...

Love this card!

Unknown said...

I just love the look of your card. It's very pretty.

Gulffire said...

Super cute card! Thanks for sharing it.

Unknown said...

Love the rainbow colors!!

Unknown said...

I love the bright, clean and super-modern look of your fab card! Thanks for sharing your creativity, and for the chance to win the great prize.

Tracey Mazza said...

So bright, so much fun and so simple.
Love it. T xx

Joy said...

Such a fun card! So cute! Thank you for sharing!

Loly Borda said...

You used this stamp set fantastic-ally! TFS

Ru Willis said...

So colorful and fun! Yay!

Marcie Lovett said...

That was fun!

KT Fit Kitty said...

So colourful and fun! STAMPtember is the best! Loving all these new products!

Anonymous said...

This stamp set is one of my favorites from this release. Very cute and colorful card.

Angela V said...

Your cards are SO bright and cheery - perfect card to brighten someone's day! Thank you for sharing your talent and inspiring us!

brenda said...

Your card makes me smile! Whoever gets it is so lucky!

Unknown said...

My granddaughters are getting too old for the pink & purple cute cards, but I'm certain they would think this stamp set would be great. I really like your example! Thanks

Heather said...

Such fun, encouraging cards!! Great for kids!

Gail said...

And You are Fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

Melynn said...

Fantastic card-literally.

Unknown said...

So much fun. Love it :) Thanks so much for sharing.

Mary-Anne V said...

Very fun to see you colour the letters in rainbow themes.

byAnnette said...

So Colorful!

Lynnea Hollendonner said...

I can't tell you how much I love this card! The background is so fabulous!

Unknown said...

What a cute card n neat idea of coloring book look !

happyscrap said...

Your card reminded me of comic books with words in speech balloons. Great colors! Thank you.

Ptcats369 said...

Very colorful, thanks for the chance to win in the giveaway.

Laraine R said...

Fantastic card!

Lynette @ My Craft Discovery said...

Really fun rainbow card!

Miriam Prantner said...

Love it! Really encouraging and uplifting card!

Rufus said...

Bright, fun, cheerful and very effective!

Unknown said...

Really cute cards!!!

MaggieB1983 said...

Hi Amy ~ I love all things rainbow and your card is simply fun. Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful week. ~HUGS~
#kindnessmatters #prayforTexas

vickienipp said...

the bright colors are perfect for this stamp!

Unknown said...

Wow! This is the kind of card I would totally make but I would color everything. However, I do like what you did and I'm thinking I would do what you did too. I love how colorful the card is even though you didn't color it all and you used my favorite color yellow which gives you extra brownie points. I love your card and I thank you for showing it to us. I also thank you for giving us the chance to win something. I want to win!

Pam D. said...

Great card! Love how you made it look like a coloring book. The contrast is wonderful!

Betty Neville said...

A bright and cheery card! Awesome!

Cynthia M. said...

What a fun card. Great idea for a boy.

Elizabeth said...

Gorgeous cards! They are so amazing!

Marjorie DUMONTIER said...

Very fun and cheerful card !!

IWannaStampRightNow said...

Such a cute idea!!

Tricia Coffin said...

This card is for you, Amy. Fantastic!

Julie said...

So fun! Thanks for sharing!

Beth Merrill said...

What a fun card!

Billie A said...

Love the bright colors. Awesome card and love the stamps.

kellymotz said...

Like the uncolored portion to highlight the sentiments.

Diane said...

Love this! So colorful!

Pati said...

Cool card with only the letters colored, so creative!

Dara Lynn said...

I adore the design concept using the new Amazing Messages stamp! Definitely, my favorite card design using this whimsical uplifting new release.

Gab said...

Love your rainbow colours

Kate Souder said...

Beautiful examples. Thank you for the inspiration.

Andrea's Card Design said...

Such a colorful and simple card. Great idea.

Unknown said...

Great card!! I have to make a kids birthday card today....I will have to see what I have in my stash to imitate your beautiful card!!

Steph said...

Such a cute card! Thank you for the inspiration!

Glorie said...

Fantastic card. Love the graphic look.

T Thompson said...


T Thompson said...


zehra said...

Beautiful card, love the rainbow colors.

Larissa Heskett said...

SQUEAL!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the New Release and ALL of the AMAZING Inspiration!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and have a FABULOUS Labor Day Weekend!! =)

Lyn C. said...

What a fun and colorful card!

Carolyn E said...

Love the sentiments you can color!!

Stacey Kowbel said...

Fabulous card!

Unknown said...

Great looking card! So bright and cheerful and your execution is spot on! Great work.

Diana @ Playingwithoutlimits said...

Cheerful little card

Ta-Tanisha said...

What a fun and colorful card. I love that it's completely different feel than the other cards in this release.

Janice said...

Such a happy card - and we all need more happy! Thanks for sharing!

Cindy Thick said...

This is a very cute idea for this stamp set. Thanks for sharing.

Me said...

Nice 👍

Jacqueline said...

This is so fun and vibrant, and perfect for pre-teens who like doodles and fewer cute characters.

Unknown said...

Very colorful card. Nicely done!

shabbyheart said...

Cute card, it brings me memories of the little drawings I used to make in my school notebooks😍

Natalie said...

Very fun card!

Roberta S. said...

Fantastic card. Thank you for sharing.

Glow said...

I love bright and colorful cards.

Lisa A creations said...

Cute card! Thanks for sharing!

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

Love how you colored the words. Fun project. TFS

Karen Baughman said...

Love the card design and encouraging message.

Raven said...

What a happy colorful card!

Cassie said...

What a fun and colorful card! I love that coloring book look

Elena V. said...

A very colorful card. I love it!

Susan said...

Very cute card and I love the rainbows! Thanks for sharing .

C Aguirre said...

Those are really cute backgrounds!

Penelope said...

That word stamp is really fun! I hope you had fun coloring it!

Rea' said...

Oh yeah Amazing Messages is a must have Stamp set. Your card Rocks especially with rainbow colors on the sentiment !!

Unknown said...

I like the bold color your own lettering

Sandy Small said...

I love the rainbow colors on your card!

WJ said...

Another FANTASTIC card!

Patti said...

As a fan of coloring books I love how you did this one! Thank you!

Verity Biddlecombe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Verity Biddlecombe said...

Great card, thanks for sharing!

Jodi C. said...

Such a FUN card!😊 Love how you stamped it and colored in the Fantastic!! Thank You 💖💖!!

Smilegreetingcards said...

Amy - you are hurting my monthly stamping budget! Well, to be fair its not just you - its this entire blog hop! I love this alphabet! This card is so cute! But there's also a new stitched set outer somewhere that I'm interested in! Decisions, decisions! Thank for sharing your talent, creativity and designs with us!

Heidi said...

I just love all these pretty colours! SSS Rocks, great release!

paddy said...

What a cheerful card!

eaar00 said...

Great cards!

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