Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Reverse Confetti November Release: Tinsel 'n Trim and Bring on the Merry

Welcome to the November Release for Reverse Confetti!!!  Jen has put together some amazing sets AGAIN this month...........so much goodness to be had this month!!!  Just wait till you see the cute little additions on my cards this month.......DIES!!!!!

Today we are sharing 2 fantastic stamp sets:  Tinsel 'N Trim and Bring on the Merry.  Is is ok to say that I LOVE my cards?  Well, today I DO!!
First up......Tinsel 'N Trim.  I created my own background paper using this tiny grouping of 3 polka dot triangles from Tinsel 'N Trim.  I stamped and alternated the whole panel........one try.  Seriously.  I told the rest of the DT that I had this idea and if it didn't work the first time, I wasn't trying a second!  I was lucky......it worked perfectly! 

Now......look at the tag.  It is just the perfect size but wait!  There is a BIG sister to this tag too!  You will be seeing lots of it on my projects!!  This set is called Tag Me and a first in the Confetti Cuts Line!!!

Tinsel 'n Trim  
Next up.....Bring on the Merry.  This card uses great sentiments in holday flair.  I've paired this up with some yummy papers from Bundled Up by Crate Paper.  What about that fun shape as the focal point??  Another Confetti Cuts called Sweet Treat Tent.  I die cut one and used it to layer my sentiment and snowflake on.  To step it up a little notch, I've added a little border stitching and zig zig stitches to the bottom of the panel.
Bring on the Merry  

There will be a $15 gift certificate up for grabs. You need to leave a comment on each sneak peek post for each designer. Comments will close at noon CST on November 7th and the winner will be announced at 5pm on November 7th.
Want another chance to win? Head on over to our Facebook page and look for the COMMENT promo being posted by Jen a little later this morning!
Last but not least:
Kickin' it up a notch just in time for the new release...
This is the graphic that I will be posting on the RC blog starting tomorrow.  I know that you all already have a lot to post and I am not going to ask you to add this, but would <3 if you could kindly mention it :)
{Ho Ho Ho}
Stamps:  Tinsel 'N Trim (Reverse Confetti)
Paper:  White, New Leaf (PTI), Vellum
Ink:  Mojito (Fresh Ink), Cherry (AMuse)
Dies:  Tag Me (Confetti Cuts)
Misc:  Circle Punch, Foam Adhesive, Silver Cording
{May your days be MERRY}
Stamps:  Bring on the Merry (Reverse Confetti)
Paper:  Vintage Cream, New Leaf (PTI)
Pattern Paper:  Bundled Up (Crate Paper)
Ink:  Tuxedo Black (Memento), Staz-On Black
Dies:  Tag Me, Sweet Treat Tent (Confetti Cuts), Snowflake (Lil' Inker Designs), Circle (Spellbindes)
Misc:  Sewing Machine, Linen Ribbon (PTI), Prisma Glitter, Copic (R24), Foam Adhesive


  1. Gorgeous cards Amy!! I was telling myself I didn't need that tag die set - but now you've changed my mind!!

  2. You are amazing!!! With those 3 triangles you created such a happy happy background!! LOVE!

  3. Fabulous!!! Perfectly stamped, crisp diecuts and rich colors...just awesome! I love the vellum strip overlaying the "Merry" and the added stitching too :)

  4. Love your cards and the new release. Thanks for sharing.

  5. ahhhhh! vellum! I never think to use it, but it sure is wow on your cards!!! loooove your background and really love that you used the treat tent as a card layer. that is cool!

  6. fabulous cards, love the vellum!

  7. Fabulous cards! Love the sweet treat tent on your second card!

  8. These cards are adorable! Can't wait for this release. NICE job!

  9. Whoa, I can't believe you made a background with those arrows. That's awesome! I love the vellow overlay of you sentiment too!

  10. These cards are AMAZING! The background on the first card is fab and I love what you did with the vellum on both cards! Thanks for sharing!

    onescrappynovice at yahoo dot com

  11. Oh, Amy - the ways you've used the vellum are brilliant!

  12. Ho Ho Ho...I love your cards too!!! Perfect alignment on that first card! Yay you!

  13. Great cards...love the vellum on the first and the way you used the die on the last.

  14. Both cards are fabulous, Amy! You have such an eye for design! Love your fun, festive background on the first card - perfect stamping! And that plaid background on your second card is wonderful - what is it about plaid that gets me every time? Your glittery snowflake looks so beautiful too! :)

  15. Love the incorporation of the tags as part of the card designs! Your cards are beautiful!

  16. I seriously don't know HOW you lined up those darling elements, Amy! NEED a lesson on that, dearie!

  17. Oh my gosh, Amy!! Your polka dotty triangle background totally looks like patterned paper! So perfectly stamped! And I love how you used the treat tent die on a card---so clever!!!

  18. These are gorgeous, love how you used vellum!

  19. It is so ok you love them Amy, I love them too!

  20. I love your use of the small tag...and the background is wonderful!

  21. Both cards are super fun! Brilliant!

  22. I ADORE both of your cards. I love that little tag on your first card!

  23. WOW! You created some awesome cards! Those triangles came out perfectly!

  24. Sweet friend I am giving you an A++ for lining up those polka dotted triangles! Wowie! Both of your cards are fantastic.

  25. OMGOSH these are GORGEOUS cards!! Love that tag die :)

  26. Beautiful! I would love receiving either card in my mail!

  27. Great cards - love the background papers and the tag is so cute.
    isoscia at aol dot com

  28. Your stamped background is fabulous!

  29. Beautiful.. Festive. Gorgeous! You and RC = perfect recipe for "magic"! Such an inspiring showcase of the new release! I'm in love with those tags...seriously in love!!

  30. Great cards! Love the colours and the details. Thanks for sharing!

  31. These are both darling! Love how you've used the vellum, and the die-cuts are fantastic!

  32. Fabulous cards! Really love how you used the tent on your second card - so creative!

  33. Great cards--I really like the background on the first!

    Chris L.

  34. Wow, both are awesome! Love your background on the first one!

  35. FABULOUS cards Amy - LOVE the stamps & dies!!

  36. Love cards with tags on them!!! Love your use of vellum.
    <3 J

  37. NO WAY!!!
    You stamped that perfect background in one go?
    You kill me!!
    OMGOSH...it's gorgeous! :)
    Love both of these...
    especially dies!
    I think you may know of my slight obsession with them! *giggle*

  38. AHHH...I LOVE these! May your Days be Merry is a must have!! That tag die must come home with me....

  39. There's your Mojito! Very striking card! You did tons of stamping! I love the vellum over the top to tone it down on the first card! I also like that green glittery snowflake on the 2nd.

  40. Fun cards! Love the new stamps and dies! This is a great release!

  41. WoW!! AWESOME project for today!! THANKS for sharing and have a Fabulous Week!! =)

  42. Love your use of vellum and the clever application of the sweet treat tent!

  43. Both are gorgeous and love the vellum:-)

  44. I adore your cards! so creative and cute!

  45. Now this is the Perfect Christmas card! Amazing papers, and LOVE that sentiment. What a wonderful card. Bev

  46. Love your cards! Can't wait to see this release!
