Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wilson Designs: Release Day!

Today is the day!  Here we are for another Release Day edition for Wilson Designs!  I can't wait for you to see the full set.  Kim has packed this set full of sweet little images that are perfect for spring, wedding, or just because!  I am totally smitten with the wee little frames she included this month (as well as all the new sentiments).  So without further ado...........Let's introduce: 

Spring Silhouettes

Today my card has a more Spring I am more than ready for some SPRING!   Bring it on! 
I decided to use one of the fun new frames to make my own background paper for my card and I filled it in with the little flower stamp that is included with this set.  I did add my own little black 'dot' to the centers.

I think what I like most about this card is the flower I created!  Here's what I did.  First I punched a circle of whatever size you want your flower to be.  Then cover it with a strong adhesive (I used Scor-Tape).  Start at the center of your circle and press down ribbon and start twisting and pressing down.  Do this for the entire circle.  I used some MS seam binding in red and it was so easy to do.  Simply add a touch of a pearl for the center and you have a twisted ribbon flower!  My leaves were diecut and then stamped with the dot stamp from Everything's Owlright.  I'm sending this card over to the Hand Stamped Sentiments blog for their challenge to use Ribbons or Lace this week.....go check them out!

I'd love to hear what you think!  Please remember to stop by all the DT blogs for more inspiration using this set and for your chance to win Spring Silhouettes!  Thanks so much for stopping by!

Stamps:  Spring Silhouettes and Everything's Owlright (Wilson Designs)
Paper:  Stamper's Select White, Pure Poppy, Smokey Shadow (all PTI)
Ink:  True Black, Pure Poppy, Versamark (all PTI)
Misc:  Red Seam Binding (MS), Scor-Tape, Delightful Dahlia Dies (PTI), Scallop Border punch (SU), Pearl (M's)


  1. Hello Gorgeous! You are the queen of perfect background stamping! This is amazing and I love that beautiful flower!

  2. WOWZERS Amy! This is gorgeous! I have a flower exactly like that laying on my desk right now! So fun to make! (Mine is purple tho!) This is such a pretty card! I love the colors!

  3. Whoa. That flower is brilliant. I love the card so very much, Amy. It's just so very nice.

  4. Wow, what a unique way to showcase that frame. Bravo.

  5. Amy, I love how you made the background with the stamps...and your flower is beautiful!

  6. Oh what a pretty card! How did you get that background so perfectly placed? Gonna have to try making that flower!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous, Amy!! I love your card. That flower is fabulous! Thanks for instrux on how to make it--can't wait to try that. :) Love the new silhouette sets!!!

  8. Gorgeous card Amy! Love that flower and the colors! Your stamping is fantastic!

  9. This card is awesome! I love the little flower!

    ksully4597 at gmail dot com

  10. This is just a darling card - I love it and the stamp set is great!

  11. so very pretty I love your ribbon flower. TFS. and what a cute stamp set.
    NYGIRL1994 at yahoo dot com

  12. Amy this is fabulous!! Your ribbon flower is sweet!! I love the color of it! The paper you made is wonderful! Such a versatile way to use this set!

  13. Great card Amy! you have motivated me..I made one of these flowers the other day...I will have to use it the next round of card making. thanks for the inspiration.

  14. Oh my word Amy, this is STUNNING! I love the pattern you stamped on the bottom of your card, simply BEAUTIFUL!!!

  15. I was having trouble figuring out how to use that frame, but dang girl, this is amazing. Great creative thinking.

  16. LOVE that flower! Thanks for sharing your technique :) Beautiful card!

  17. Amy, this is gorgeous! I really like how you used the set to make some rockin' patterned paper. it's PERFECT! Your ribbon flower is fabulous, too! PS: I didn't see your link at HSS, please let us know if the Linky-tool is being tricky. I think it's great that you are entering this into the challenge. (I think I NEED this set, too...eeek!)

  18. Oh MY! This is absolutely stunning. LOVE your bloom! Thanks for playing with us at HSS!

  19. This gorgeous card totally inspired me to try my hand at a ribbon rose last night. Mine is awfully sloppy, but I think I might get it with practice. Thanks so much for the push!! My goal is to achieve the perfection you obtained with this lovely blossom!!!!

  20. Love your card! Thanks for joining us the week at Hand Stamped Sentiments.


  21. I love the flower. So pretty and it gave your card a gorgeous finishing touch. Thank you for participating the HSS challenge. (PS: love the Black-Eye Peas music selection.)

  22. Amy, great card and use of the seam binding for that great flower. Just awesome. Love it that you joined us at Hand Stamped Sentiments this week.

  23. Hooray, you are linked! Thanks so much for playing along at Hand Stamped Sentiments this week! So happy you joined us! :)

  24. Amy, such a gorgeous card. The flower is beautifully done and is a pretty touch to the more bold stamp pattern. Thank you for joining us at HSS this week.

  25. Gorgeous card, that flower is amazing as well as the card :) Thanks for playing along with us Hand Stamped Sentiments.

  26. Would you like to direct me to the MS seam binding ..... you and Laurie are KILLING ME ....... FANTASTIC FLOWER ........ perfect balance and PERFECT colors and layout!!! I think that set might be in my future ...... did you know Anton thinks he is the squirrel from Ice Age ..... he collects acorns and puts them in his cup holder when we are out. I stole some for a fall arrangement and when he got in the car he told me that a squirrel had been in there eating his nuts ....... never mind the other stories he tells people about "my nuts" he makes me cry from laughing so hard!!!

  27. Love the seam binding rose. I also love the printed background paper. It combines perfectly with your rose. Thanks so much for playing at Hand Stamped Sentiments.

  28. Your stamped PP is fabulous Amy. I love how you combined the stamps to make that fun, graphic pattern. And you were right about waiting! Now I can place my order!
