Monday, April 12, 2010

Scattered Showers

Lately, I've seen some awesome Scattered Showers cards and I thought, "I've never posted this one."  So here is my take on Scattered Showers that I made right after this stamp set became available.

I can soo see this made in girl colors too!  Funny, I've only used this set using boy colors!  LOL
Have you made a card using this set?  I'd love to see it!!  Link it in a comment! 
Happy Stamping!

{Showers of Blessings}
All supplies from PTI unless stated otherwise.
Stamps:  Scattered Showers, Polka Dot Basics
Paper:  Kraft, Spring Moss, Enchanted Evening, misc. white
Ink:  Dark Chocolate, Enchanted Evening, Versamark
Misc:  Enchanted Evening button, Rustic Jute button twine, EK Success border edger, pop dots


  1. OMG! We posted using the same set...same umbrella no less! I love your card! All those layers are perfect! :) How did we do this without even talking about it? LOL!

  2. Very cool. I lovethe colors and the card layout!

  3. Ooh, I like the blue with the touches of moss, very pretty! Those two scallops make me think of 2 more umbrellas peeking out from the side!

  4. LOVE that color combo!!! And your layout is great! Awesome design!

  5. Amy love this card ........ and of course here I am listening to music again and just waiting to hit enter :)

  6. Fantastic card! The colors, the rounded corners, LOVE it!!

  7. Wow! What a fun card and how appropriate for the month of April Showers. Love the white dots that look like falling rain.

  8. Pretty card, love the layout and the colors!!

  9. You and Laurie are so in-sync :) LOVE the card with the big button and that scallop edge!

  10. LOVE that big button! This is so cute! I played with my set last night, still have an unfinsihed card, but it was so fun! Maybe I'll finish it today!

  11. so pretty!! I love the colors and layout!

  12. Wow this card is beautiful. I wish I could provide you with a link, but I don't have this set. You did a real nice job. I love the color combo. too.

  13. Super cute!!! The button is perfect.

  14. I am seeing sooo many people use this set. It's so pretty. I may just have to toss it in my cart.

  15. Great color combo. Wish I could show you what I've done with this set, but it hasn't seen ink yet. Maybe I'll just CASE your colors and layout.

  16. Love this card! Love the layout too, nicely done!

  17. Wow, this is lovely!! I love the colours, pattern mix and composition - specially with that punched edge just peeking out on the side! Brilliant!
