Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Butterfly Dreams

Well, I finally did it Jen!  I used some of your butterflies you sent me!!  Now, I can't wait to get my hands on my OWN butterfly die!!  LOL.........Anyway, this card uses Butterfly Dreams and boy will I see this set inked up more often!!  Very fun set!!

I also used Background Basics: Botanicals.  Can you say EASY??  This particular background stamp was super easy to get lined up.  I thought the dots between the flowers tied in so well with the dots on the butterflies!!  I used some tiny pearls for the butterfly bodies and did you see that ivory trim?  I found that at a store called Tuesday Morning (like 3 spools for $1.29 and had to buy other colors too).  Just add a little line of Scor-tape and whallaa....instant border!  The trim ends wanted to unravel just a bit so I just tacked them down with a drop of Fabri-Tac.

Have a beautiful day!  Thanks for coming by!

{Happy Birthday}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Butterfly Dreams, BB: Botanicals
Paper:  Hibiscus Burst, Smokey Shadow, Rustic White, Kraft
Ink:  Charcoal Palette, Hibiscus Burst, Tea Dye Duo
Misc:  Scor-tape, trim, Pearls, Scallop border punch (SU), Corner Chomper, Butterfly die


  1. I can only see the second picture! But what I can see looks soooo cute! Love those butterflies! :)

  2. This is so beautiful! I love, love, love the colors...they are so classic! Love the addition of the pearls on the butterflies too! And, the trim is fabulous! Wow!! Fantastic card!!

  3. That trim is jaw-dropping gorgeous Amy! and I love the butterflies...hmm maybe I DO need that stamp set and not just the die! lol

  4. I love this set. You did a beautiful job. I especially love the layering on the middle strip. It rocks!

  5. Love it! Those butterflies are fab!

  6. Oh well, this is just adorable, I just got the die, but your cards is so great that now I'm thinking I need that set too!!! Gorgeous!

  7. This is so pretty, Amy! Great colors, and I love the simplicity!

  8. This is BEAUTIFUL Amy! I'm loving that color combination, and the trim is so pretty!

  9. Oh. My. Word. What a stunner this is! I love it!

  10. This is so pretty! I love the color combination as well as all the other great details!

  11. This is fantastic, Amy! Love the colors and the layout!

  12. Pretty card! I love the trim and your butterflies.

  13. Gorgeous card, Amy. Love those colors!

  14. I like the pink and gray-it makes the card look so elegant!

  15. This is SOOOO pretty, Amy, very beautiful, those butterflies are so pretty!

  16. Simply gorgeous! Loving that combo of colours with the Kraft and your layout is fabulous!

  17. This is gorgeous! I love the composition you chose - and that trim is such a great finishing touch!

  18. Great card! Love the tin types and your butterflies are super cute!

  19. I absolutely love this, Amy! Such a pretty card and I love what you did with Butterfly Dreams!
