Friday, June 18, 2021

Reverse Confetti / Dreams Do Come True

Here is a card that would be perfect for those new graduates on their way to holding their dream job!  


To begin, a panel of white cardstock was ink blended with Kitsch Flamingo, Squeezed Lemonade, and Salvaged Patina Distress Inks.  This panel was die cut using the Oval Window Cover Panel Confetti Cuts and black ink was splattered across the panel.  Behind the window, some clouds were added using a stencil and Salvaged Patina Distress Ink.  The oval "frame" was added to the cloud notecard using foam adhesive.  The sentiment was stamped in bold black ink inside the oval frame and the sweet bear and rainbow (from The Bear up There) was Copic colored, die cut, and added with foam adhesive.  I finished the card off with some stamped stars and some shimmer spray.  



--Amy ♥

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