Monday, November 23, 2020

Reverse Confetti / JOY

Wanted to spread a bit of JOY around for the upcoming holidays!
One of my favorite sets is the Background Builder.  I have paired it with the Wreath of Joy Confetti Cuts for a graphic look.

The solid circle from Background Builder was stamped repeatedly and overlapping each other over a trimmed white panel using Piggy Bank, Magenta, Iced Aqua, and Lagoon Reverse Confetti Inks.  This panel was added to a white notecard that was scored at 1/8" around the perimeter.

Using the Wreath of Joy Confetti Cuts, the leaves were die cut from Piggy Bank cardstock as well as the letters 'J' and 'Y'.  All the die cut elements were adhered with liquid glue.  For dimension, I layered three JOY Confetti Cuts together.  To finish, mini clear gems were added to the center of the wreath and then the whole card was spritzed with Clear Shimmer Spray for a snowy look.

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