Saturday, November 14, 2020

Ink to Paper / November Release Countdown Day 4

Abundant Blooms

Welcome to Day 4 of this month's Ink to Paper release.
  Today we have a fabulous trendy set called Vintage Lantern.  I am all about vintage in my decor so I love this gorgeous set!

You can find all of today's new product information on the the Ink To Paper Blog and just remember the New Release will be available on the 15th at 10:00 PM EST. 

Seriously, this release was made just for me!  Florals, vintage, and patina......perfect.  Old pitchers with florals just gives me all the warm fuzzies.  This set is Abundant Blooms.  I love the detail stamp for the pitcher making it appear vintage!

Abundant Blooms2


  1. Lovely card with the pitcher and flowers! I love the embossed background design!

  2. Such a beautiful card in every way!
