Monday, December 9, 2019

SugarPea Designs / Sneak Peek Day 1 / Giveaway


 I am excited to share some of the projects I've been working on for the brand new release from SugarPea Designs!  Each day this week, we will be sharing inspiration using the new release.  You are all going to love this release!!!  

I hope you'll join me here over the next 5 days as I share Sweet Peeks for the all the NEW products that will be available for purchase starting this Friday, December 13th at 6PM EST in the SPD Store

If you want to shop, remember this link:  SugarPea Designs.

I started by ink blending some Milled Lavender, Spun Sugar, and Scattered Straw Distress Inks over some circle cut outs I made with post it notes.  Over the top, the burst stamps from Cheers to You were stamped with the same Distress Ink colors.  

I added some gold heat embossed stars, champagne glasses with bubbles, and a Congratulations sentiment strip.  The Cheers word was die cut from gold mirror cardstock and layered with the shadow die cut.  As finishing touches, several gold gems were added over the card.


Would you like to winAll you need to do is leave a comment on the SPD blog posts.  It's really that easy!  
Winners during our Product Release will be announced on Monday, December 16th.


  1. Ohhh I love the dainty colors and the heat embossed stars!

  2. Love this Amy. Perfect soft backdrop!

  3. Your background is perfect! Love the soft, pretty colors your chose.
    Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  4. Love the repeated circles background, perfect for the bubbly!

  5. I love those soft colored circles! Gorgeous!

  6. What a sweet color combo... I need an anniversary card for the day after Christmas. Really nice.

  7. Wonderful card. I love that fun circle background.

  8. Love this soft color combo! Beautiful card.

  9. Marisela Delgado said: Beautiful card.
