Monday, March 4, 2019

Hero Arts / My Monthly Hero March Blog Hop / Giveaway

All the fish 

Hello and Welcome!  
I am so excited to be a part of the My Monthly Hero Blog Hop this month!  Hero Arts is one of my favorite companies so designing with the My Monthly Hero Kits is always an honor!   This month's kit was amazing to work with and I have a few cards to share......let's get started!

This month's kit takes us to an aquarium and all things sea life!  There are so many options for designs from this kit......I had so many ideas but not enough time!  The kit is available for a limited time only - once it's gone, it's gone. Kits begin shipping from Hero Arts on Friday, March 8. You can now subscribe to receive the kit monthly and never miss one!  The kit value is over $70......but only costs $34.99.  Once this kit is gone, it's gone!

The main kit is just INCREDIBLE!  It is a HUGE kit with loads of images and dies to cut everything.  The frame die included makes neat aquarium themed cards!

My husband scuba dives and has swam with the sharks and fed them!  I knew I had to make a card using these images!  I started with a piece of Bristol smooth watercolor paper to which I blended the mini inks Reactive Sea Glass and Reactive Blue Water.  Spritzed some water over the top and blotted with a paper towel.  I die cut the aquarium frame from black cardstock and using this as a guide, stamped the schools of fish and sentiment in black ink.  I stamped my diver and shark with gray ink, die cut, and added them to my scene.  As a final touch, I added some of the blue droplets included in the kit!

All the fish2 


Pet Turtle

My second card uses the add-on stamp set called Pet Turtle.  This set is just adorable!!  I did some simple Copic coloring and with using some stencils from my stash, I created a one layer card except for my die cut images.  

Pet Turtle2


Stay Golden

My third card uses another adorable add-on set called Fishy Stamp & Cut.  I started creating this CAS card by scoring 5 lines at the bottom of my white notecard.  This offered a place to "ground" my fish bowl image.  I Copic colored my images, added my fishies with foam adhesive, and my white heat embossed sentiment strip.  I just LOVE this sentiment!

Stay Golden2


What's a blog hop without a giveaway?  We are giving away one kit to one blog reader - selected from the comments across all of the blogs in the hop. Giveaway closes Sunday, March 10 at 11:59pm EST, and the winner will be announced the following week on the Hero Arts Blog.  Hero Arts will reimburse if the winner already bought the kit!



  1. I really love the aquarium window die in this kit!

  2. reat cards. I like the use of grey for the diver. Looks realistic!

  3. Love the turtle and goldfish cards

  4. Your crisp, clean backgrounds really pop the sentiment and make the emphasis be on the sentiment above the artwork. Sometimes I think we get so caught up "art-ing" that we forget the relationship with our recipient, who inspired the card in the first place!

  5. awesome work - love the add on sets:)

  6. Such cute & fun cards - nice job!

  7. I enjoyed your cards. The clean backgrounds appeals to me. Thanks for sharing your work.

  8. These are so pretty. That turtle is just adorable and oozing attitude.

  9. Beautiful cards. Love the aquarium in this kit and the little turtles are adorable.

  10. Your 3 cards are so different from each other. All are great. I love this new collection

  11. Marisela Delgado said: Great cards.

  12. Cute cards - thanks for the inspiration! Endless possibilities with this great new kit!

  13. Fabulous designs! Love your adorable cards done with the add-on sets!

  14. Love the turtle card! All three are adorable.

  15. Super cute cards, Amy. Each one just wonderful, and really loving that sentiment on the first one!

  16. Such cute cards! The turtle set is my JAM!

  17. Amy,
    Your cards are wonderful and creative! Thanks for the great ideas with this fantastic Hero Arts set!

  18. Three gorgeous cards all from one release. I'm looking forward to getting my kit. Wish I'd got the stamp set with the "stay golden" sentiment, now...

  19. Hi, Amy! Love love that Pet Turtle card. Thanks for sharing!! 😊

  20. Fun ideas and cards! Can't wait to get this great kit. Thanks for sharing ideas with us!!

  21. I espcially love your adorable turtle card!

  22. These cards made me smile, especially that cutie turtle. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!

  23. Super cute cards....I just love what I am seeing made from this kit. I cannot wait to receive mine. I hope I can do it justice. Thank you so much for sharing your samples.

  24. Really fun cards. I think the small fish bowl card is my favorite though. Thanks so much for sharing your art.🐧

  25. Love the cute little critter cards, that turtle is adorable. I really love the underwater scene with the shark because I'm partial to sharks. =) TFS!

  26. Awesome cards, that turtle cracks me up!

  27. Cute turtle and fish card and love the scuba diving scene.

  28. Your little turtle made me smile. All the cards are wonderful!

  29. What fun cards! Great work. I love the way you created a table or shelf for the fishbowl.

  30. I scuba dive too! Loving this new kit!

  31. The little turtle standing on the log is
    cute. Love the fishbowl. thanks
    for sharing so many cute cards.

  32. So many wonderful designs. Thanks for the inspiration Amy.

  33. Wonderful cards Amy! This kit is my favourite out of the ones I've seen so far. I'm an ocean girl & it would be a dream come true to win it - honestly. The blues in the water reactive ink pads are perfect for underwater scenes as is reflected in your first card. So much detail in that aquarium die cut to look at. Wow! I adore the turtle standing on the overturned wood & the sentiment can't help make someone smile. I know I did. I am so drawn to the CAS style of both your second & third cards. Something as simple as scoring lines to create the base for the fishbowl makes such a difference. Thank you for sharing your talent & inspiring me.

  34. The turtle is adorable. I love everything in this kit plus the add ons!

  35. Fun cards, I love the puns. Thanks for sharing the add ons.

  36. Such fantastic cards! Love the release this month.
    Thanks for sharing...

  37. WOW! Love your cards! That turtle is adorbs. Thanks for the inspiration. :D

  38. The turtle card is way too cute! Awesome job, thanks for sharing!

  39. Adorable cute cards!! I love this kit! :)

  40. Fantastic cards! The scuba diver with the shark is fabulous and love the turtley awesome card!

  41. Loving your cards with this kit ♥

  42. super cute and fun set of cards!

  43. These are all so fabulous!!! I think the turtle card is my favorite; he's just too cute!

  44. Awesome cards and love them all.

  45. I'm in love with the turtle fun! Great cards, thanks for sharing!

  46. Gorgeous coloring on these sweet cards. Love that fish bowl.

  47. Awesome cards!! I'm seriously loving this kit and all the add ons!

  48. I love that turtle card - he is just adorable!

  49. What an amazing kit and cards! So totally cute!

  50. Very cute cards! Adore the turtle!!
