Wednesday, May 28, 2014

a CASE and Seize the Sketch

Hi friends!  I know it's late but I had to stop and share this card I made using the latest Seize the Sketch.  When I attended the winter CHA in January, I got to meet so many blog friends.  One of them being Lesley Croghan.  We were both Top 5 in the Gallery Idol contest last year and she was so fun to finally meet in person!

Well, this brings me to tonight's post.......I saw a card she made on Instagram and I fell in LOVE, I tell ya!  Serious love.  So much that I had to CASE her card.  Lesley....thank you so much for inspiring me with your gorgeous card!  You can see it HERE or over at the current Seize the Sketch blog post.

Here is my card using all Verve goodness.  Love the Poppy Birthday stamp set and matching dies!  I also used one of my all time favorite dies......the Pennant Trim Die.  Here I've just cut out 4 you can make them as long as you want!  I die cut one and then placed it back in the die sliding it over to just die cut how many I wanted.....this way the "other end" has a finished look too!  The final touch was adding in some sequins from the Pastel Mix by Verve


Thanks so much for sharing a part of your day with me!!!

{Celebrate your Day}
Stamps:  Poppy Birthday (Verve)
Paper:  White, Pure Poppy, Summer Sunrise, Ripe Avocado (PTI)
Ink:  Ripe Avocado (PTI), Onyx Black (Versafine)
Dies:  Poppy Birhday Dies, Pennant Trim Die (Verve)
Misc:  Sequins (Verve), Embossing Folder (Lifestyle Crafts?)


  1. Gosh are those flowers ever FUN!! Love the rich colors too Amy, this is wonderful!

  2. Gorgeous card Amy and a fantastic CASE of Lesley, both of your cards are so beautiful!

  3. Totally agree re: Lesley's card. Pinnned it for future casing myself :) LOVE how you used those wonderful poppies.

  4. Love those bright posies! and the white on white texture totally makes it pop!

  5. Wow, Amy. What a delightful surprise to read this! Thank you so much for your lovely, kind words. I enjoyed meeting you as well and I am so honoured that you cased me. Your card is a real stunner! Love those blooms and the scripty sentiment.
    Hugs and thank you again,

  6. I love this happy card! The poppies are fabulous and surely the focal point. I checked out Lesley's card too. No wonder you just had to case!!!! Beautifully done.

  7. Awesome inspired card! I adore the clean look you have~

  8. These poppies are at the top of my Verve wish list. I LOVE how bright they are, gorgeous design!

  9. This is gorgeous Amy! I'm loving those poppies and the fantastic textured background!

  10. Amy, this is gorgeous (but so is everything you make!)! How lovely that Lesley inspired you so. :)

    Thanks for joining us at Seize The Sketch!

  11. Hi Amy , I know what you mean about Lesley's card I fell in love with it too. Your's is gorgeous too! Love your little banner and cluster of blooms. We miss you over at 12 kits. Thanks for playing at Seize The Sketch!

  12. Super pretty! Love the poppies!!

  13. Beautiful card! Love how the white layers make those pretty flowers pop off the front!

  14. So pretty! Lovin' all the blossoms! Thanks for joining along with STS :)

  15. Beautiful card! Love the flowers!

  16. I love the simplicity of your card and how the colors POP out.
