Friday, May 3, 2013

I'm on the Confetti Crew!!!


I have been keeping a secret for a LONG time and I'm so excited to finally share!!  A couple of months ago, I received a Facebook message from my friend Jen del Muro inviting me, ME, to be on her DT for her new stamp company, Reverse Confetti.  I have long admired Jen for her style and have had the opportunity to be on several DT's with her.  So when she asked me about this, I knew it would be a "yes" and that her designs would be fabulous! 

I can't wait to show you Jen's designs in action on my blog and this gets started SOON!  The first release is May 8th and it kicks off with sneak peeks on May 5th.  You can read more about Jen and the other Confetti Crew members HERE as we still have one day left of introductions!  Jen has lined up some *awesome* talent for her team!!  You can read about a little "interview" we all had with Jen on the blog too!
Check out the Reverse Confetti Facebook page.......HERE.
Thanks for letting me share my news today!!!!


  1. Congrats! Looking forward to seeing the first release!

  2. Congrats Amy! Can't wait to see the new stamps and what you do with them.

  3. Congratulations! Well deserved too. Your creations are amazing so it's easy to see why you are on the DT. Can't wait for the first release and first challenge. All the best, Bev

  4. Conrgats Amy, can't wait to see you in action here.

  5. Congratulations, Amy...I've been looking forward to seeing her new stamp line!

  6. Amy-I am so happy that you are part of the Confetti Crew! Hugs-Jen

  7. Eeeek!! You go girl :) Can't wait to see what you create. Hugest of ocngratulatory hugs to you!!

  8. Congratulations, Amy!!!! Can't wait to see your creations!!!!

  9. congrats...eagerly waiting the release.

  10. Congrats, Amy!!! I can't wait to work with you <3

  11. congrats!!! can't wait to see what you do with these stamps. :)

  12. Congratulations, so happy for you!

  13. HUGE congrats, my dear! Such a beautiful first release, too ;)!
