Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Avery Elle Guest Designer

Well after having snow just a few weeks ago, we had 95 degree weather yesterday and was able to enjoy it at my son's baseball game (they lost but my son played his best game yet!.....go Brett!).  It was so warm in fact, my husband gave in and turned on the AC.  I really don't like to be cold at we'll see how long before I have a sweatshirt back on! 
I'm here today with my guest post for Avery Elle!!!  I've used the set called Cupcakes.  I had this card idea in my head and thought I'd better just make it!  You will see no cupcakes on this card, just one little floral stamp and sentiments. 
Congrats Mr. & Mrs

Yes friends, after I had cut out all these flowers was when I thought......I *need* the Cupcake ELLE-ments Dies to match this set.  Would have made this card come together fast and easy!! 
Can't wait to hear what you you like to use stamps in a different way?  I love to look at a set and try to "change it up".  Makes your stamp sets go a loooonnnnngggg way!
Stamps:  Cupcakes (Avery Elle)
Paper:  White (PTI)
Ink:  Tuxedo Black (Memento), Onyx Black (Versafine)
Misc:  Foam Adhesive, Gems, Prisma Glitter
Dies:  Small Folded Banners (Simon Says Stamp)


  1. So pretty,love the sweet banner too :0)

  2. So sweet, well worth the fussy cutting!

  3. Fantastic Amy, love the dimension!

  4. pretty. That's some serious fuzzy cutting!

  5. I just love this - so, pretty and just lovely!

  6. What a fab idea to showcase the accessory stamp and create an adorable wreath!

  7. Clean and simple and simply delightful!

  8. Amy, this is so pretty. Your ring of flowers are so perfect and your coloring is just amazing. Love the sweet touch of bling too.

  9. SO FUN!! I LOVE this idea and can't wait to get my set!! I ordered them this weekend with Ellen Hutsons sale at 20% off I just couldn't pass this set up!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!!
    I'm with you we started T-Ball last night and with our weird Weather here in Nebraska who knows when Summer will be here!!??

  10. Another beauty! I love the stickles on the center of the flowers! I can't believe you cut all those flowers out, but it works very well! So pretty! Love the sentiment banner on top too!

  11. This is gorgeous Amy! Pinned :)
