Sunday, March 10, 2013

Viva la Verve! meets Timeless Twine

Happy Sunday everyone! 
It's been rainy rainy rainy here so we've been staying indoors!  I'm just hoping it does it all this weekend so that we can enjoy the start of Spring Break dry next weekend!
I have a sweet little BABY card (I know I just posted one but I need more of these in my stash!) to share.  I pulled out the ever adorable To the Moon set from Verve.  I chose to use the little giraffe image (because it worked with the sketch I used) and colored it with Copic markers.  I've layered Bubble Gum Pink and Graphite Gray twine for a sweet little "blankie"!  (although now it kinda looks like a rug! hehe)

I used the current Viva la Verve! Sketch Challenge for this can check it out HERE.  Now you may be thinking......and yes!  I did take liberties with it and you can kind of see the sketch in there right?  :)  Remember there is a $100 gift certificate up for grabs if you participate in all the VLV sketches this month!  Wahoo!


 Thanks for stopping by today!
{welcome BABY}
Stamps:  To the Moon (Verve)
Paper:  Gray (SU), White (PTI)
Ink:  Slate (Amuse), Tuxedo Black (Memento)
Dies:  Headline Alphabet (PTI), Linen/Canvas IP (PTI)
Twine:  Bubble Gum Pink, Graphite Gray (Timeless Twine by Bella Creationz)
Misc:  Copics


  1. Really cute Amy, love the grey and pink colour scheme!

  2. So adorable! I love the colors too! That gray is so fun!

  3. That raffie is soooo cute!! Love the way you used the twine toO! Great card and way to think outside the sketch box ;)

  4. This is too cute! I love how you colored in that little guy and of course those dies are fantastic!

  5. What a clever way to use the Timeless Twine!

  6. Super fun! I love the blankie with the little giraffe peaking over the top! Great color scheme too!

  7. This is seriously adorable! Love what you did with the twine!

  8. LOVE! such a cute use of the twine!
