Thursday, January 31, 2013

The 12 Kits of Holidays {January Kit}

Welcome to the first 12 Kits post of the new year!  This year we have a few changes and they are fantastic!  First of all, it is now called The 12 Kits of Holidays!  Next up, is that we have some new players but to do that we had to say goodbye to Suzanne and Cathy.  You both will be missed so much!  Welcome Kelly and Tracy
This month's kit was sent out by the sweetest person......Joyce Mehrberg!  Please go visit her lovely blog and tell her I sent you!  This month starts us off with a holiday OTHER than Christmas.  Joyce sent some fabulous pattern papers and stamped images.  I went a little different route with my cards this month so I hope you like what you see!
January Kit
{photo courtesy of Kara}
So I mentioned that this month starts us off with a holiday other than Christmas.......Valentines!!! 
I love love the papers Joyce sent......they quickly became the focus of my simple cards.  First up, is my favorite of the cards I made.
my valentine



Here is the full list of blogs for the 12 Kits of Holidays!  I hope you enjoyed my cards this month.......and the new designers!!!!  I know I am! 


  1. Love your designs Amy...way to rock the card kit!

  2. Amy, these are so pretty and so perfect for Valentine's Day! My favorite card is your first one, love how you framed that sweet bicycle built for two with that Polaroid frame, so sweet with the pink pearls and twine on the side. Great use of all the patterns too.

  3. Thanks for your kind words about me. That was very nice. I love your different take on the kit, and will be CASIng you for sure. Love those chevron arrows in your second card (is that a die?), and how you framed the patterned paper in your first card. Your last card is CAS perfection.

  4. These are adorable cards!!! I love them all! Love that polaroid cutout.
    Deb C

  5. Hi Amy! Beautiful post as always - wouldn't expect anything else from you! The stripes of pattern paper behind that polaroid are just yummy as well as the pink woodgrain, and the rows of pretty die cut hearts - you saw everything so differently than I did and I'm just wishing I could do it like you my friend! Absolutely perfect!

  6. Love your cards.....especially the one with the bikes!! That is just the beast paper isn't it? I love how you emphasised the bikes with the polaroid frame!!

  7. I love them!!
    And am so jealous that you got that bicycle paper...
    it's fabulous!!
    They're all so perfect I don't have a fave...
    but they always are! :)

  8. Great cards, Amy! I think the first is my favorite, I love how you positioned the polaroid and how the fun paper is showing through :) The second one is so trendy, too!

  9. Amy I love all of your cards, just fantastic. I was totally stumped on what to do with the paper from your first card, but you nailed it. Love your CAS approach to your cards.

  10. Sorry I am late! I love your first one too, well I think they are all fabulous. Love the arrows you made for the second one. Beautiful, Amy!

  11. Beautiful--every one! Love how you framed the bicycle and how cool is that pink woodgrain! Great way to use the heart borders too!

  12. All three cards are terrific Amy! The pattern on the middle one is wonderful and I'm loving the bicycle in the first one! The row of hearts are so pretty on the last card too!

  13. EEK! That bicycle card is so sweet! And the patterned chevrons with the pink woodgrain! What chic designs, Amy. I am going to wish upon some stars tonight and hope that I can learn to make fabulous CAS card that really pack a punch...just like YOU :)!!

  14. Gorgeous selection of cards Amy, very pretty.
    *Please remember to link back to our challenge blog in order to qualify for the fabby prize.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp
    hugs Mandy xx

  15. Okay, so I'm just a little bit behind, but I'm finally here! I just love that first card with the Polaroid framing the bike image! I didn't get that striped paper in my kit, but I will totally be CASEing the idea with something else! Your second card is my favorite with the fabby woodgrain background. Such a cool design! And your last card is simple but brilliant!

  16. These are all so cute but I think my favorite is the pink woodgrain one! Love the paper!! Love the colors! Love the little arrows with the wood heart! Cute, cute!
