Thursday, January 3, 2013

Some "fresh" NEWS!!!

I have had a little secret for a while now and I'm so glad I can finally share with you!  I am so happy say that I am joining the Fresh Squeezed Stamps Design Team!  It's no secret that I kinda like them......which THANK YOU for voting for my card this week!  Back in November, I received an email about being a Guest Designer for FSS.  Sadly, I just couldn't commit due to other committments and the holiday.  So I was DELIGHTED when I received the email asking to join the DT!!!  Thank you Ryann and Shannon.....this is going to be a great year!

Fresh Squeezed Stamps is a new stamp company and let's just say the DT they've put together is fabulous!  I can't wait to work alongside these girls for the next 6 months.  So stay tuned to the FSS blog this week to see who rounds out the rest of the team!


  1. Congratulations!!! :)
    Well deserved!!
    You will be amazing...
    as always ;)...
    and can't wait to see what you have for us!

  2. Yay! You are going to have so much fun!

  3. Congratulations, Amy! I know you will do a super job! :-)

  4. Congratulations Amy! I can't wait to see what you have in store with your Fresh Squeezed Stamps!

  5. Wow! What a banner year you are having and it's only the 3rd day!!!

  6. Congrats, sweet girl! You are going to be amazing on this team!!

  7. Whooo Hooo!!! What a wonderful way to start the new year :) Look forward to seeing your creations.

  8. go girl..

  9. Amy...congrats, I look forward to seeing more of your fabulous creations.

  10. Congrats to you, excited to see what you create!!

  11. Congratulations Amy, you will be such an asset to the team. Can't see what you are going to do.

  12. I am so excited for you! You are going to be an awesome addition to FSS! YEAH!

  13. Congratulations Amy!! I know you'll do a fantastical job! :) Can't wait to see what you create!
