Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mojo 235

Happy Saturday!  I'm still here and trying to get back in the groove of things following vacation.  I had yesterday off due to Good Friday because my kiddos were out of school.  Well by bedtime, I was kiddo'd out!  I'd had enough of little voices saying, "Mommy!"  I love them dearly but I needed some time to craft and "unwind".  LOL  So last evening, I realized that it was Mojo Monday week!  This sketch was just what I needed to get the mojo flowing again!

I did run to my LSS yesterday to pick up something and found these gorgeous papers by lilybeedesign called Buttercup.  Gorgeous spring colors!!!  I used the sketch and added in a butterfly where there is a flower in the sketch........I guess I had butterflies on the brain since my daughter's softball team just picked their new name last night.........The Green Butterflies!!  One note:  I finally got out one of my punches to use!  It's been FOREVER since I'd used them but this one was just perfect!!

Have a great Saturday!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
{You are such a joy}
Stamps:  Kind Words (Verve)
Paper:  Buttercup (lilybeedesigns), SS White (PTI)
Ink:  True Black (PTI)
Dies:  Circle Nestie (Spellbinders), Butterfly Trio Die-namics (MFT), Tag Sale Die (PTI)
Misc:  Arched Lattice Border Punch (Martha Stewart)


  1. It's gorgeous!!
    These papers are just perfect...
    and love the butterflies!
    The sentiment...
    the pearls...
    And what a fabulous name...
    The Green Butterflies...
    LOVE it! :)

  2. This is gorgeous Amy! Love the butterflies and am smiling at the team name! Boys are dragons...girls are butterflies :)! Lily Bee is quickly becoming one of my favorite papers!

  3. Hi Amy! I truly understand how it feels after a full day of mommy duty! :> This is why I love having a hobby for myself! Love these papers and this pretty card! Fantastic job with the sketch!

  4. Fabulous take on the Mojo sketch, Amy! Love the colour combo and you know I'm loving the butterflies :) Trusting you are settling in being back - or should I say, harsh reality ;) Sure you had a fabulous time and I"m still jealous LOL!

    Blessing to you and your family on this Easter weekend.

  5. Oooo, this is such a pretty card! I love the sweet little butterflies, the banner, and the neat yellow rose paper, what a great take on the sketch..those colors were the perfect choice!

  6. Beautiful, as always, Amy! I just love that pretty sentiment! Happy Easter to you!

  7. Just lovely, Amy! You picked such wonderful spring papers, and those butterflies really bring the sketch to life.
    I had to laugh at your comment, because I don't know how many times I've said I'm going to change my name to something other than "Mom"! Sometimes we just need a break--I'm glad you got one!

  8. Gorgeous, Amy--those papers are so pretty and I love the sentiment! The sweet little butterflies make adorable accents!

  9. Amy this is gorgeous. I love that paper. The butterflies are the perfect touch.

  10. Absolutely beautiful! What a sweet touch with those butterflies, they add so much to your card, just fabulous.

  11. Love this patterned paper! Those butterflies are so pretty! Very pretty card Amy!!

  12. Amy, this is stunning! What gorgeous papers and I love that border. :)

  13. Know what you mean about needing that mommy time. My kids were off for 10 days during spring break, and near the end I was getting pretty cranky!

    Lovely take on the mojo sketch, Amy. :)
