Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Curtain Call Color Challenge: {ACT 49}

Today I am playing along with the Curtain Call Color Challenge: ACT {49}. 
Here are the fabulous color scheme for this week.

I did have to substitute some "other" similar colors for the tan colors.
I kind of went back to my roots so to speak.  I went with a technique I learned when
I first started stamping:  Chalk popping.  (At least that's what I was taught it was called!)
The centers of my flowers look a bit green but I used some tan
shimmery chalk for the centers....I promise!

For this I also had to do a little masking and I really like how this turned out.
What do you think?  I so wanted to add some pearls or something but I am
leaving it "off" so to speak.  :)

Have a great day!

All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Friends 'til the End
Paper:  Pure Poppy, True Black, Rustic White, Kraft, Fine Linen
Ink:  Versamark, True Black
Misc:  Chalks, Bracket Edge Die-namics (MFT), Red Grograin ribbon (Dollar Tree), Foam Tape


  1. How beautiful. I love the colors and the big flowers !!

  2. YUMMO ...... I love this stamp and I do not use it enough!!! Fantastic use of the colors!!! The card for my dad was suppose to be for this challenge but I thought the color was brown not black ....... hummm what can I say I was having a senior moment :)

  3. Oh this is so pretty! Thanks for playing at Curtain Call.

  4. This looks great, Amy. I really like the layout and the bracket edge sticking out of the side is really cute!

  5. This is lovely Amy! Love the chalking!

  6. Such a pretty card. The chaling looks great! Nice use of the colors. Thank you for playing along with us at Curtian Call. :o)

  7. This is beautiful Amy! The way you colored the flowers is gorgeous and your bow is tied perfectly!

  8. Love the offset layers - great take on the sketch. Oh and you are going to love the teeny trees set when it arrives!

  9. Beautiful Amy! the flowers look gorgeous, and love the colors too!!

  10. Oh my goodness gracious me. LOVE. This is utterly too gorgeous for words! I love the soft look of your colouring and the little curved frame edge peeking out. Totally amazing!

  11. Look great Amy love the Bracket Edge Die-namics

  12. I like it just the way it is! SO bold and simple, yet full of detail! I love how my eye wanted to start with that fun scallop side and move up at an angle...great LO.

  13. I just love that color combo and what you did with it!

    Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!

  14. This is GORGEOUS!!! I'd love to learn how to do your technique. It's soft, yet bold with those colors and really makes a statement!

  15. VERY nice; love the color combo, and your chalking!

  16. beautiful technique card, Amy! so lovely! thanks for playing the Curtain Call!

  17. Your flowers are so soft and pretty! I love the bracket die cut along one edge, too. Thanks for playing the Curtain Call this week!

  18. I love the label Kraft border on the side of your card, very cool! And your masking of the flower looks great, what beautiful flowers! Great card!!!!

  19. Beautiful card, Amy. You did a great job on the color challenge.

  20. This card is classically elegant Amy! The flowers look so pretty all chalked up. Love how you snuck the bracket die in there too:)

  21. Nice card Amy! And I didnt even notice the bracket until I read Sara's many are so good!

  22. Those colors are wonderful and you did a fabulous job with the challenge! Love the coloring you did.

  23. How lovely! The chalking is just lovely!

  24. OMG Amy!!! This is fabulous...I love how you used the colors with the Sketch!!! The design is PERFECT!!! Thanks for joining :) us!!! Hugs ~S~
