Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happily Ever Challenged #9--The Big Easy

I have yet to participate in one of Ted's HEC challenges but this one was "easy"!!  haha
Ted challenged us to make a card that is simple, no layering, no bling, no ribbon, no glitter, etc.  You get the picture right?  These simple cards are hard for me but right after Ted posted this challenge, I knew I needed to use his challenge to make a BELATED birthday card  for our nephew.  I almost forgot to post my card when I saw today that my friend, Jen Carter, posted her challenge card and our layout is almost identical except for the stamp set used!  Great minds think alike!

I used one of my favorite PTI sets EVER............STAR PRINTS!! 
If you don't have this set, you must get it!  The fonts are absolutely awesome and these stars can be punched out with coordinating punches too!  Who doesn't like that?  This is often the set I pull out when I need to make a masculine card.....it is perfect for those! 
I used the masking technique on my card.....something I don't do very often at all!

Thanks for taking a peek at my card today......why don't you come and play along with Ted's challenge
He is even offering up some PTI goodness!  The challenge is open until Saturday, August 28.

{Wish Big}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Star Prints
Paper:  Stampers Select white
Ink:  True Black, Pure Poppy, Enchanted Evening, Spring Moss
Misc:  Pure Black fine tip marker (ZIG)


  1. Fabby card, Amy!!! I too have just posted a card featuring this set - it's my all time fave set EVER!!!

  2. Love it! Funny I made a card very similar this weekend with the same set... would use it for the challenge BUT I put some glitter on it. May have to make another w/out the glitter.

  3. LOVE this Amy! I love how it looks like the stars are spilling out of the side of the card!

  4. You did a great job on the challenge, Amy. I really like the clean and simple look of this card. Great colors too.

  5. Great card for Ted's challenge...love the fun colors and the layout!

  6. SO fun Amy! I really like how the stars are peeking out from the edge of the frame...great masking!

  7. Love the masking you did here! Great card!

  8. Great minds DO think alike! That is so funny!

    I love this card! I really like how the stars hang out of the box! That is so fun!

  9. Your card is darling. I'm going to try to play along - I think I can make the time since the card needs to be simple:)

  10. Great card! Love the crisp clean look!

  11. Such a unique way to mask! Love this, Amy! Thanks for playing along with the HEC! :)

  12. I LOVE the way your stars are 'pouring' into the frame! So clever!

  13. Clever card, love how simple and clean the card is!

  14. Love this clean and simple design and how clever to have the star hanging out! Great work.

  15. Amy I love how u positioned the stars ...... GREAT clean and simple look to your card!!!

  16. OH I love this! That star coming out of the box is awesome! I have to pull this set out! I have only used it once! :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. Great card, Amy! Love the stars with that sentiment, and the box is a great way to add a layer, but not :)

  18. Clever, clever, clever! What a PERFECT card for Ted's challenge, Amy! Star Prints is a *happy* set, isn't it? I love this!

  19. Your masking is wonderful on this! I thought this challenge was way too hard and didn't participate! You made it look so, so easy! I should go and do it now just so I can say I did!
