Sunday, August 8, 2010

Build a Doily.......

Can you say fun?  This tutorial by Betsy was incredible......I mean how incredibly creative is this? 
I had to get to my stamp room and try my own doily!!  As someone on the PTI forum
said, "this is addictive!"  That is an understatement!! 

For this doily, I broke a stamp set that I've never used before ......Border and Corners:  Circle.
The large triple lined circle is from this set as is the "scallops" around the outside just inking up half of them.  The little scrolly image just inside the big circle is also from this set too!  Now for the inside of the doily.....the two other images are from Simply Stationery.  The final image used to my doily was from the set
Vintage Labels.....the scrolly image inside the scallops.  So 3 total sets used to make this!!

Now I don't do vintage very well but I knew I would have to TRY when using a doily!! 
I paired my doily card with LOTS of Chamomile tea dye ink and some wrinkle ribbon I bought on
an Etsy shop a while back called PrairieBirdBoutique and used the Chamomile ink as well as dabs of Chai ink to make it vintage.  The fun vintage crocheted trim is a find from a garage sale this summer.  It was neatly wrapped up and tied with ribbon for 25cents or something crazy like that!

So why don't you give this a was sooo fun!! 
I'd love to hear what you think about this!

{It's Your Day}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  Borders and Corners: Circles, Simply Stationery, Vintage Labels, Just the Ticket
Paper:  Pure Poppy, Rustic White, Library Ledger paper, Green Tea Leaves paper
Ink:  Tea Dye Duo vintage inks, Pure Poppy, True Black, Aqua Mist
Misc:  Pure Poppy buttons, vintage crocheted trim (garage sale), wrinkle ribbon (etsy), Just the Ticket die


  1. So pretty Amy! I love the red doily! I need to give this a try.

  2. Gorgeous!! Love the red and that doily is very well done!

  3. Beautiful, Amy! LOVE the colors and those trims... kinda like a "fresh" vintage :) Me likey!

  4. You have really got me going saw the tutorial yesterday and since i didn't have the tabs thought I couldn't do them but with a few mask i caught up to speed yahoo

  5. Love this! Haven't given it a try yet myself but it is really a very cool idea and you executed it perfectly!

  6. OMG Amy, this is incredible. This is true publishing material girl! SO perfect with lots of vintage-y details. Just plain awesome!

  7. Fabulous! I love seeing the various sets that are being used for this. Eventually, I will figure out how to make one with the sets I have. Love this card... it really is stunning.

  8. Amy this is awesome! Love the red ink!

  9. Be still my heart!!! This is "over the top" GORGEOUS Amy!!!

  10. Amy, your card is lovely! OK, now I do have to try to make my own!

  11. W-O-W-Z-E-R Amy....this is fabulous!!! I totally missed Betsy's tutorial..thanks for linking it :)!!! You totally rocked your doily!!! Hugs ~S~

  12. You did an amazing job creating the doily, Amy! Love it!

  13. Oh wow Amy! This is fantastic! I just love all of the elements on this and your doily is fabulous! Great job!

  14. Amy, this is absolutely beautiful! What a perfect doily! I love your color combo. too.

  15. Amy, that is awesome!! I have those sets and you have inspired me!! Just beautiful! I wonder how these would look as Christmas cards....hmmmm.....

  16. So beautiful!! I saw it earlier and almost dropped baby AVA :) AND just as important ......... I LOVE YOUR NEW PHOTO on he MB :)

  17. This is gorgeous Amy!! I love the doily you created and the vintage look with the lace & ribbon. Very pretty!

  18. You did an awesome job on that doily!! Beautiful card,love the vintage feel.

  19. Great colors and I love that crinkled ribbon!

  20. OMGosh! Gorgeous, Amy!! Love your doily and the colors are fabulous!

  21. Amy, this card is so stunning. You are a whiz at making your own doilies! I can't wait to see more! :)

  22. Amy, this is gorgeous!! You did a fabulous job and I LOVE the color absolute fav or mine. :-)

    Betsy Veldman

  23. This is gorgeous. Did you cut this out by hand? (as well as the one on your Part 2 card) I love the wrinkled seam pairs so well with the crochet trim and the doily.

  24. Woo! This is yum-my, Amy! I love the patterned papers you chose to pair, and that's a wonderful doily you made--sort of Scandinavian looking! I love the ticket in white too! Such an attractive card, Amy!
