Thursday, June 17, 2010

Papertrey Paper Dolls Challenge #7

Alright here I am posting another Papertrey Paper Dolls card challenge!
This challenge was hosted by one of my good friends, Laurie
Please check out her blog....great things there I tell ya!! 
Here are the details of this challenge by Laurie:

"Today's challenge is a combo! #1-I would love to see you make your own patterened paper! and #2-Try to keep your card "CAS"...clean and simple! If you want to only do one of the 2, that is great!
I just hope you can play along!"

So here is my card......I made my own patterned paper but CAS?  I don't do those very often!

This stamp set was a fairly recent purchase of mine after seeing soo many wonderful cards
by Jackie P. made with it!!!  Here is a closer view for more detail!

Have a wonderful day and thank you so much for taking time to visit and comment!!

{Celebrate Today}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  YOF: Daffodils
Paper:  Summer Sunrise, Pure Poppy, Stampers Select white
Ink:  True Black, Tea Dye Duo
Misc:  True Black buttons, DMC embroid. floss, pop dots, Corner Chomper, ribbon (Dollar Tree), Linen Impression plate, and Scor Tape


  1. wonderful work, Amy! I am so loving the ruffley ribbon :)

  2. This is so pretty! Love your color choice and the buttons on your frame!!

  3. Ooooh, this is AWESOME, love the daffodil head background, and the ribbon and sentiment look fabulous! Great card Amy!

  4. AHHHHH....I finally influenced someone to get the daffodil!!!Gorgeous card, Amy!!! Thank you for the shout out!

  5. How pretty and love the color combo! You've just given me an idea on how to use up my unloved DSP.

  6. Beautiful card, Amy! Love the ribbon treatment. I like that you used gingham ribbon instead of satin. It gives the treatment a different look.

  7. Amy, your cards always have a real **WOW** factor in them - and this one is no different! I love the way you've incorporated the colours into this - and the shape of your label is awesome! (P.S. I agree about Laurie's blog :0)

  8. WOW! There is nothing about this card that I don't like! I really like how you matted the sentiment.

  9. so gorgeous... love that set... your bg paper is amazing! great job!

  10. Beautiful as usual ........ I like the paper corners and ribbon ..... okay I love it all

  11. What a great color combo! Love the ruffled ribbon and texture on the sentiment panel!

  12. LOVE this Amy! The texture is great but that ribbon! You've definitely mastered that technique!

  13. Stunning color here Amy! Just awesome! And your ruffled ribbon is so perfect it could be the poster ribbon for scrunched ribbon!
    THe impression plates add a lot too, and I like the opposing rounded corners on the sentiment. Good stuff!

  14. Such a beautiful card Amy, love the stamped background!
