Monday, April 26, 2010

Papertrey Paper Dolls Challenge #1

I recently joined a new blog group called Papertrey Paper Dolls!  Wow, what a group of talented ladies I have joined!  That being said, their blogs are listed on my side bar....go check them out!  We will be doing weekly blog challenges and EVERYONE can participate!  We have used the inlinkz feature so that you can see everyones creations and add your own even if you are not a "DOLL"!  It will be so nice to challenge myself each week with something "new"!!  Alright, down to business!  The first challenge was using a sketch and was hosted by one of my good friends, Laurie Beth.  I have to admit I had a very hard time with this one but that is what this is all about!  Challenge yourself! 

I followed the sketch except for turning the oval on its side.  For this challenge I thought I would dig out some of my "older" PTI stamps!  One of my favorites, On my Couch, was used here with the new couch dies that PTI released this month.  I still have a learning curve with stamping them on the die cut!  hehe  The other "older" set is Borders and Corners Circles.  You may ask........circles where?  Well, that's the beauty of clear stamps.....I just laid my clear block over the oval and placed the dotted circle in an oval on my block and whalaa, dotted oval stamp!

Something I found out today by accident when using my new Rick Rack die was if you die cut 2 strips close together, you get a wider "rick rack" in the center of your paper!  Kinda cool!  I had planned to use the rick rack die as it was but then thought, hey I could use the other part as wider rick rack!  And if you look close at the New Leaf rick rack strip, you can see that there is actually a small embossed border!

Here is the sketch for the Papertrey Paper Dolls Challenge #1.....why don't you come play along??

{come on over friend}
All supplies PTI unless stated.
Stamps:  On my Couch, Borders and Corners Circles, Polka Dot Basics II, A Little Argyle
Paper:  New Leaf, Dark Chocolate, Rustic White, Kraft, Dotty Biscotti DP
Ink:  New Leaf, Dark Chocolate, Tea Dye Duo, Vintage Cream, True Black
Misc:  Oval Coluzzle, Oval Scallop punch (Marvy), Rick Rack die, On my Couch dies, pop dots, Orange Zest buttons, Rustic Cream button twine


  1. fabulous card! Love it... ur card is great.. I hv that set, and I love it!

  2. LOVE this Amy! The couch looks GREAT in Dotty Biscotti!!!

  3. OMG Amy! I love this!! And I love that wide ric rac! So cutE!!

  4. That is adorable!!! Love that couch in dotty biscotti! Great idea on the oval stamp and the ric rac die! It's always fun to discover ways to make your supplies go farther!

    Oh, and P.S. Putting your package in the mail today!! :)

  5. This is so cute! Love the color combo and the dots :)

  6. AMY GIRL .......... you are so SMART ....... I had my rick rack out today and thought ...... that is too narrow for what I need ...... now I have to go back and revisit!!! Great card ...... love the colors ........ LOVE IT ALL!!!

  7. Absolutely clever thought with the ricrac die. Very cute card.

  8. This is adorable, I love your dotty biscotti couch!

  9. I find it hard to believe that you had a hard time with this! It is fabulous! I love the colors and all the additions you have on here. Great details!

  10. Very nice card, Amy! I like how you layered the different papers together to make the middle of the card. Thanks for the tip on making wider ric raks. So clever!

  11. What a beautiful card, Amy! Love your dotty couch!!

  12. Love the card! That kraft paper really works with some many different colors. Love it!

    Oh, my daughter saw your Eclipse countdown and thinks you're awesome! :0) Oh, and we both love the music!

  13. Love the wide rick rack! And oh, the Dotty Biscotti...gotta get me some!

  14. Amy, this is adorable! LOVE the Dotty Biscotti couch and the wide rick rack!! Great Job!!

  15. This was a set that I didn't feel like I needed when it came out, but now with the chairs, I think I need to get both along with the dies. Love the card!!!

  16. OHHHH Love everything about this card! OH LOVE IT :)

  17. Fabulous card, Amy!! And how cool about the wide rick rack! Thanks for the tip!

  18. OMG Amy, how did I miss this? It's like we are on the same wavelength! This card is awesome...I love the green and the ricrac. I can't believe we used the same PP and sentiment AND image! Holy crow! And you know what, if you look closely, we both stamped our couches just a bit off to the left of the die-cut too! I mean, it's like we did the SAME thing!!!!TOO WEIRD!

  19. beautiful card!! the biscotti paper looks yummy! love your take on the challenge!

  20. Great card, Amy! Love the color combination you used!

  21. I love that couch! Such a cute card!

  22. Amy this is another fab card!!! The dots are awesome and it balances the card so perfectly!!! You rock these PTI Sets!!! Hugs ~S~

  23. Love this card Amy. So cute, love how you used the couch!! Great job with the challenge!

  24. Love the colours on this card, that Dotty Biscotti couch and accent strip are gorgeous!
