Friday, December 5, 2008

Some card sketch cards..........finally!!!!!

I HAVE been doing something these days.....just not posting here!!! I wanted to share a couple of card sketch cards I have done using Heather's Monday card sketches. I think I've said before that if you haven't tried one of these for inspiration are missing out!! Here's one I created for my husbands' birthday in October using the sketch from October 20. I used the Changito baseball monkey.....just love those monkeys!!

This next one was made using Heather's sketch from September 15. I also used those darn cute Changito monkeys again!!!

Now on to a couple of cards NOT using the sketches....This was made for my daughter's birhtday. I used TAC Mimi paper....the colors are just so yummy. The stamp set is from Inkadinkadoo. I have used it sooo many times for birthdays recently!!

This card was made for our 3year old neighbor since he is so into Planet Heros this year. This was a clear set I originally bought at Archiver's quite a while ago. I love how this turned out....FAR OUT!!
Well, I know this is a long post. You know, I may even have more things I've made lately to post too!!


  1. Yippee for the post. I LOVE all your cards and really miss seeing your creations now that our swap group is obsolete. Thanks for sharing!!! ;-)

  2. These are all just wonderful! LOVE Changito (he is so cute!)... the cuppie cake one is my favorite (sooo pink!!) :)

  3. Hi Amy!
    I nominate you for a blog award...please go to my site and check it out.
    I've been going through the blogs listed in Paper Wings and I really like your blog. It's easy on the eyes and I love your creations, too!
    Happy New Year!
