Thursday, May 4, 2023

Avery Elle / Summer Release 2023 / Blog Hop

Welcome to the Summer Release Blog Hop from Avery Elle!
I am so excited for this new release!

Balloon Greetings

I've used one of my favorite staples from this release......the Starburst Oval Elle-ments.  I love the stitched details!

Balloon Greetings is a mini set that is perfect for birthdays, graduations, or wishing someone luck!  Just look at how adorable this doggie is!!  I added a quick easy background of a stenciled wavy hill and some clouds.

Balloon Greetings2

For a summary of all of the new products that are available for purchase right now check out this section in the Avery Elle store.  We will be showcasing projects using the new sets starting today and will continue to show them throughout the next few months.

Make sure to check out the rest of the team for more inspiration using the newest release!

--Amy ♥

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