Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Avery Elle / Floating Lanterns

Hi crafty friends!  

I have a technique I used on my card using Floating Lanterns.

Creating night skies for a variety of types of cards is so fun with just a few Distress Inks.  Here I've used Prize Ribbon, Chipped Sapphire, and Black Soot.  Each of these were ink blended from dark to light with Black Soot added at the very top.  This does not have to be perfect as then I added some water splatters and lots of white pigment ink droplets using a small paintbrush.

All of my images were Copic colored, die cut, and white pigment pen was added for shadows.  Once my background was dry, it was time to assemble my scene of these cute critters and lanterns (done in rainbow fashion of course!).  I added in some stamped black stars along with a white heat embossed sentiment.  The grass was die cut using the Slimline Borders Elle-ments and then ink blended with only the ink left from my "green" brush!

Floating Lanterns
Floating Lanterns Elle-ments
White Embossing Powder
Slimline Borders Elle-ments

--Amy ♥

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