Wednesday, January 6, 2021

SugarPea Designs / Mix It Up Challenge 75


I have a card made for the current Mix It Up Challenge over at SugarPea Designs
 Make sure to check out the challenge photo and/or sketch for this month.

There are so many ways to take these Mix It Up Challenges.  I went with the hearts and colors of the inspiration photo.  

Using the Postage Stamp SugarCut, I created a panel of white cardstock for my main element.  The stitched heart was done by trimming 1/4" strips of colored cardstock and adding them to a piece of scrap cardstock.  Then the heart was positioned over the strips and die cut.  For dimension, the heart was die cut several times and layered together.  The strips on the heart were the perfect width to stamp a sentiment from Heart Prints without any more dimension!


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