Tuesday, December 10, 2019

SugarPea Designs / Sneak Peek Day 2 / Giveaway

Pugs and Kisses2
 I am excited to share some of the  projects I've been working on for the brand new release from SugarPea Designs!  Each day this week, we will be sharing inspiration using the new release.  You are all going to love this release!!!  

I hope you'll join me here over the next 4 days as I share Sweet Peeks for the all the NEW products that will be available for purchase starting this Friday, December 13th at 6PM EST in the SPD Store

If you want to shop, remember this link:  SugarPea Designs.

Today we are sharing For Pugs Sake and the new Envelope Liner Die (along with a NEW assortment of colors of envelopes!).  
I've paired these new products with some of my favorite "older" products!

I started with stamping my Buffalo Check Background both on card stock and on printer paper (for my Envelope Liner).  I ink blended Broken China Distress Ink onto a die cut panel.  A Heart Border SugarCut was added to the bottom along with the stamped sentiment.  I colored my pug and balloon with Copics, hand trimmed out, and added with foam adhesive.  A few die cut clouds from Whatever the Weather SugarCut were added with a few tiny hearts (leftover from the border die cut) along with some Glossy Accents to the center of the hearts.  I love that the envelope matches the card by using the new Envelope Liner!!!

Pugs and Kisses

Would you like to winAll you need to do is leave a comment on the SPD blog posts.  It's really that easy!  
Winners during our Product Release will be announced on Monday, December 16th.


  1. I love the plaid background! Great colors with the red and black!

  2. Sweet, adorable card. I love the Buffalo Plaid background.

  3. I love the buffalo check background,’perfect with the cute pug!

  4. Oh my goodness, the plaid background is the perfect background touch. I love it.

  5. Marisela Delgado said: Super cute card and pug. mariandmonsterd@yahoo.com

  6. Your little white highlights add so much to the balloon. This card is ADORABLE. But then I'm partial to dogs :)

  7. So sweet! Great job stamping! When I first saw it I thought it was store bought patterned paper.
