Friday, December 13, 2019

SugarPea Designs / Release Day / Giveaway

XOXO2 Hello!!
 I hope you have enjoyed the projects I've been sharing for the brand new release from SugarPea Designs!   All the NEW products that will be available for purchase starting tonight, December 13th at 6PM EST in the SPD Store

If you want to shop, remember this link:  SugarPea Designs.

I just had to pair the adorable Love Machine bots with the last stamp set of the release......Heart Prints.

I started by die cutting layers of cardstock with Card Front Element Builder SugarCut and the Postage Stamp SugarCut.  With the Postage Stamp layer, I added stamped hearts from Heart Prints.  Six hearts fits the inside perfectly!  This was added to a notecard with foam adhesive.  To finish this off, the robot holding the balloon was Copic colored, die cut, and added with foam adhesive.


Would you like to winAll you need to do is leave a comment on the SPD blog posts.  It's really that easy!  
Winners during our Product Release will be announced on Monday, December 16th.


  1. So fun to combine the Heart Print stamps with that adorable robot. Great card.

  2. Marisela Delgado said: So cute!

  3. Such a cute little robot and that heart print or fingerprint stamp that you used repeatedly in the background is so fun! Leaves a great heart mark! That postage die slightly smaller than the A2 size is great too!!!

  4. Cute card and the robot is darling!

  5. The little robots are so darn cute!! Love all the different heart imprints too!
