Tuesday, August 14, 2018

SugarPea Designs / Warm Welcome

Hello!  I am here with a little more 'Summer' for you.  
I just can't put Summer away just yet even though Fall is just around the corner.  It's not right!  It's just AUGUST!  Can you tell what season I like?  ☺


I did a little bit of ink smooshing with Fossilized Amber Distress Oxide ink onto a piece of white cardstock.  I did several layers and dried between each one.  For my focal point, I used one of my favorite images from SPD......the pineapple from Pineapple ParadiseAfter stamping and die cutting, the image was layered over a spiral of gold thread.  For the sentiment, a bold black die cut 'Welcome' and sentiment strip was added using a sentiment from Warm Welcome.  To finish, a few gold crystals were added.


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