Thursday, July 19, 2018

SugarPea Designs / Dreams


Hello!  I am sharing one of my favorite techniques and really the first technique I learned when I started stamping........Emboss Resist.

The main image from Dare to Dream from SugarPea Designs is this lovely dream catcher.  I white heat embossed the image several times on to Bristol Smooth watercolor paper.  I use this paper when I want to blend the colors seamlessly.  The colors truly blend like magic.  I've used Picked  Raspberry, Abandoned Coral, and Seedless Preserves Distress Inks.  Once the colors were blended well, I wiped a dry paper towel over the top to bring out the white embossing.  

My sentiment was done using the Dreams SugarCut out of gold glitter paper and one of the smaller supporting sentiments from Dare to Dream embossed in gold embossing powder on to a white strip of cardstock.  To finish, I added some coordinating gems.


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