Monday, June 25, 2018

Lil' Inker Designs / the adventure begins....

Adventure begins

Hello!  I've had several babies to spoil lately so I thought I'd share one of the cards I've made to give to the new parents.

This uses the Lil' Inker Designs Baby Onesie Die.  I die cut the mini onesies out of pink, yellow, blue, and green cardstocks.  I arranged them over a white top folding notecard that was impressed with the Cover Up Die: Dotted Chevrons.  

I added a simple stamped sentiment strip over the second row of onesies.  The sentiment is from Little Ones Stamps.  Isn't it fitting as a new parent?  Babies are definitely an adventure!  As a final touch, I added little white die cut safety pins over all the remaining onesies.  Too cute!

Adventure begins2

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