Monday, May 21, 2018

Hello Bluebird / More May Release!

Happy Monday!  I have a bit more inspiration from the new Hello Bluebird release as well as the card I shared last week.

Wildflower Bouquet

If you know me at all, then you know I love floral stamps!  Wildflower Bouquet is going to fast become a favorite once my dies arrive!  But in the meantime, I love to stamp my own background paper.  I stamped a panel using a few images from this set in a color palette of purple, yellow, and pink.  Add a decorate border to the bottom and adhere panel.  Sentiment is from Rainbow Script.  

Wildflower Bouquet2


Here's the card I shared last week using Just Sayin'.  Make sure to check out my blog post HERE.  

Just Sayin'4

Be sure to visit the Hello Bluebird blog to see more inspiration from all the design team over the past week!

Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!

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