Wednesday, November 23, 2016

25 Days of Christmas Tags--Reverse Confetti and a SALE!

Welcome to the 25 Days of Christmas Tags featuring Reverse Confetti!  I am so happy to represent Reverse Confetti on this day for Tracey's event!  Make sure to visit Tracey's blog for all the information about the 25 Days of Christmas Tags.
For my tag today, I knew I wanted to use the Topped Off Tag Confetti Cuts because there are so many layering options for this "base" tag!  I chose to layer it with the 2 Way Stripes Tag Layer Confetti Cuts.  One layer was done in Brick cardstock and the other in Avocado cardstock.  I stamped an ornament from Vintage Ornaments in Brick Dye Ink and added a silver glittered ornament topper die cut tied off with some red bakers twine.  To finish, I added a hanger from Hang Ups, Too Confetti Cuts.

25 Tags of Christmas

*****Now for the's a good one! *****

Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!


  1. Beautiful tag in fun Christmas colors!
    Take care!

  2. Love the classic red + green tag. Awesome!

  3. Love the layering.
    the die cut is fantastic.
    thanks for sharing
    Happy Thanksgiving

  4. Classic coloring for a beautiful tag.

  5. Love this tag and the ornament on it is adorable!

  6. Adorable! Love the stripes of holiday colors and the ornament is so cute. Really love the touch of silver sparkle for the holidays, too. <3

  7. I'm a sucker for traditional Christmas colors. They just make me happy. The glitter is awesome, too. Love this tag, Amy!
