Monday, December 28, 2015

Reverse Confetti--exciting news!

Hello!  I hope everyone had a very wonderful holiday.  I feel so blessed this season as we finally have family here in town!  You don't know what this means to us.......a little more sense of "home".  Who am I kidding, we now have babysitters!  :)  We have never lived where there is family.  The closest has been 30 miles so this is welcoming!

Our home and family were together for 4 nights straight!  I know......we like them THAT much!  :)  All kidding aside, we had a wonderful holiday and also celebrated our son's birthday turning 14 on Dec. 26!  Just look how cute he was then and now!  We have one more birthday coming up.........hehe (mine).


I have one more Reverse Confetti project to share in 2015.  I created THIS felt snowflake ornament a while back and just loved it.  My husband likes to give small sweet treats to some of his co-workers so I thought it would be perfect to attach to his gifties!

Snowflake Ornaments

Snowflake Ornaments2

Now, for that Reverse Confetti news!  I am happy to say that I am still going to be a member of the FABULOUS Confetti Crew for 2016!  Jen has some amazing things headed our way for the new year!  The best part?????

Beginning in January, Reverse Confetti will begin MONTHLY releases instead of every other month!  Yippee!

So be ready as the next release starts on January 5th with the blog hop on the 8th!

Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!


  1. Congratulations Amy!
    Cute pics! Wish Happy Birthdat to your son! I love all your fab creations and looking forward to see more! Love these pretty felt snowflakes, thanks for sharing!
    Enjoy your holidays with Family! Wishing you A Very Happy & Healthy New Year!

  2. So wonderful to have family close by. Love your gorgeous ornaments Amy! Happy birthday to Bret!

  3. Oh those ornaments, so pretty!!! I wanted to make a bunch of them in felt and give them as gifts this year but I just didn't have the time, but if I start now I might get some done by next Christmas lol! So happy to see you'll be staying with RC, Amy! And happy birthday to your sweet son, my Ali is 14 but will be 15 in Feb. I love her to bits but oh, the attitude of girls at that age!!! Hopefully you're not dealing with any of that ;)

  4. Those ornaments are so pretty! Congrats on staying on for another year, it was really a no brainer though, your stuff has been so good!

  5. CONGRATS on your continued DT position Amy, you always do a fabulous job!! CUTE ornaments. Happy birthday wishes to your son :)

  6. These are FABULOUSLY adorable! Love Them!!! Congrats for another year ��

  7. Beautiful ornaments and HB to your son. My son turned 15 12/23rd and looks like both boys like doing the same thing...playing game on TV screen. Congrats on continuing your DT position. I love your style and creations.

  8. Yay! Looking forward to working with you again!
    Happy Belated to your boy!

  9. Amy, first off, these felt snowflake "tags" are simply adorable. Second, and most important, a huge Congratulations on remaining on the Reverse Confetti DT. With your amazing creations, it was never in doubt! Looking forward to seeing ALL your projects in 2016 (and beyond). All the best!

  10. So cute Amy! I love that you used felt!
