Saturday, November 21, 2015

Watercolor Panels

Hello!  It's no secret that I do NOT like the cold weather.  Today's forecast is very breezy and COLD!  Ughh.  Guess I'm glad I have to work so I don't have to get out in it much.  My work shift is 10 hours so there's not much day left.  :)

I wanted to share a card that uses these FABULOUS watercolor panels from Taylored Expressions.  I am in love with these!  These panels are 3 x 4 and are only $4 for 12 panels!!!  There is something therapeutic about coloring in these images with a watercolor palette.  Check out the FULL post over on the Taylored Expressions blog.

Thank you by Amy Kolling

Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!