Saturday, May 16, 2015

Just a card........


Hello!  I have been dealing with some severe shoulder pain which has dampered my crafty time.  Yesterday, I couldn't take the pain any more.  I went to the chiropractor and I will go again next week and the next.  Hopefully, the pain will subside as it's difficult to even get sleep because I can't get in a comfortable position with no pain.  Life goes, family, crafty time.  Anyway, you are here for my flamingo card!!  


I have been seeing flamingos EVERYWHERE!!!!  Everything from party decor to fashion.  So I brought out my Fabulous Flamingos and coordinating Confetti Cuts from Reverse Confetti.  There's no technique to this card......just diecuts and stripes!  My flamingo was layered over some Circles 'n Scallops Confetti Cuts.  The sentiment, from Fancy Word Coordinates, was stamped on a thin strip of cardstock and the ends trimmed at an angle.


Thanks so much for sharing a part of your day with me!


  1. Sorry about your pain. No fun. But LOVE your card!

  2. So sorry about your pain. :(
    LOVE your card!

  3. So sorry to hear that you're in pain, Amy! I hope it subsides soon! Your fun flamingo card is fabulous! I love it!

  4. Feel better. Beautiful!!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  5. Hope your shoulder is feeling better very soon!! No fun! Love your sweet flamingo card!!!!

  6. Very cute! Love the stripes with the flamingos!

  7. Your card is aooo cute. Thanks for sharing.
    I hope you feel better real soon.
    I suffer from chronic pain in both knees and frozen shoulder in both shoulders.
    Hang in there.
    Crafty hugs,

  8. Amy love your flamingo card, great colours. So sorry to hear you are in pain. I hope the Chiro gives you some relief. I have been dealing with a lot of pain myself for quite some time now and finally I have had to let a lot of computer time and crafty time go. Makes me sad. :( Sending you some good vibes and hugs!

  9. Simply amazing! Love the colors as well as all the shapes in contrast!

    La casa dello stile | Community G+

  10. Love this color combo! So sorry about your shoulder pain! Hopefully you can get some relief from it!!!

  11. Sweet Amy, I hate to hear you're having shoulder pain. Two Aleeve tablets will do you wonders, every 12 hours. Take them with milk or food. My mom also swears by this exercise, but I have yet to follow it through (cough...), lay flat on the bed, put your arms in what I would call a foot ball Goal possition if your body was the pole (bent at the elbow hands pointed toward your pillows (but lay completely flat on the bed). Now, raise your hands while your elbow remains on the bed and rotate until your hands are palms down on the bed pointed toward your feet. You just keep doing these repetitions back and forth, to eventually strengthen your shoulders. Swimming in a heated pool would be awesome too. Hot tub or hot shower right before bed, even better. One last trick, sit on the edge of the bed or a chair, stretch your legs out in front of you, point your feet out in front of you while pressing your chin to your chest. Then point your toes toward your body, while tipping your head back as far as you can, chin to the ceiling. Do this about 5 times total, one direction then the other. This interrupts those pain sensors, once they start firing, they keep firing. This manipulates the spine to interrupt them. Because everything is connected to the spine and the nervous system. Best of luck in getting some relief. Sorry that it's a Novel. Love your flamingo card! I really need some cute flamingos that are a decent size! I have 1 tiny stamp and it's from a Crayola? children's set. LOL We all gotta start somewhere right? they were a gift to probably Katie as a child, but they were an amazing set of just everything, so I hung on to them and used to use many of them on my hand made calendars.
    Paulette S.
    craftqueen417 at yahoo dot com
    http://paulettesprettypapercrafts dot wordpress dot com

  12. Sorry to hear about your shoulder pains. I do hope it has subsided by now, especially since you’ve gone to a chiropractor to get it checked. I could be a big problem if left unattended, since it not only affects your crafting time, but also prevents you from getting uninterrupted sleep. Anyway, I hope you’re feeling better now. Take care!

    Minda Mazer @ My Canton Chiropractor

  13. That card looks very nice, I bet a lot of your viewers are quite interested in it. On the other hand, I’m sorry to hear about your shoulder pain. Pain like that really diminishes our capability to do work, especially the ones that involved body or arm coordination. But I’m also glad to know that you’ve been visiting your chiropractor for a remedy. How is your shoulder doing nowadays? I hope things are doing a lot better for you now. Thanks for sharing this with us, and have a great day!

    Jacqueline Hodges @ Back and Neck Center of Brick
