Saturday, October 25, 2014

A is for Awesome

We had parent teacher conferences this week and I have to say my kids have some amazing teachers.  I think having great teachers makes for great kids.  My kids thrive on learning and both love to read and do math.  (crazy, right?)  I'll spare the grade cards but they are both doing so well and I couldn't be a more proud mom!  

I'm sharing this simply stamped card using a stamp set called Smarty Pants by Whimsy Stamps.  Have you checked out the Clearly Whimsy line of stamps yet?  The designer, Simonne Clay, has designed fabulous designs and dies for Whimsy.  I'm glad to call her a friend and would love to show her some support from my blog!  You can check her designs out HERE.


Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!


  1. As a retired librarian I'm always happy to see stamps with books.
    Love to encourage people to read.
    thanks for sharing a great card.

  2. Oh I am with you on having fabulous teachers. Love, love, love this inky card!

  3. Great teachers are such a blessing and they have such an impact. Love this card and off to check out Simmones blog

  4. This is super cute!! Love the stamped books!

  5. Great card! Love the journaling card type panel you created!

  6. OMG Your card is Fabulous OMG girl talk about a Reads totally rocked these stamp sets. I just love how you created your scene.
    Outstanding clever and creative job!!
    YOU ROCK!!
