Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's Summertime!

Hi everyone!  Summer is in full swing here with so many ball games I can hardly keep track right now!  It will slow down......sometime!  Love love this time of year!  Weather hasn't been that bad either!

I have a quick summery card to share using the Flip Flop Dies from Lil' Inker Designs.  I also used the Flip Flop Sentiments stamps for the background and the sentiment.  What's not to love about this cute card?  For me, it's the flip flops.....I don't do flip flops!!!  :)

Flip Flops

Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!

{Everything is......}
Stamps:  Flip Flop Sentiments (Lil'' Inker Designs)
paper:  White (PTI), Island Indigo (SU)
Ink:  Island Indigo (SU)
Dies:  Flip Flp Dies, Stitched Mats: Squares (Lil' Inker Designs)


  1. I don't do flip flops either, Amy, but they sure do look super sweet on your card!

  2. So adorable, Amy! I don't do flip flops either but the ones on your card are so cute - wonderful blue shade! Fab design too!

  3. No flip flops???!!! Love mine. And love your card, of course. Sweet summer lovin'!!

  4. So cute! and kind of totally true too.

  5. So sweet! And no flip flops for you?!!...I have never heard of such a thing! lol Living in Florida, that's all I pretty much wear! ;)

  6. So full of summertime. Those little flip-flop dies are just sweet. Great card! Bev

  7. Your card is so cute, and I really love your color choices, so clean and crisp for summer! I love to wear flip flops, would wear them year round, but they're really bad for my feet so I have to avoid them :(

  8. Oh how I love flip flop season! :) This is so cute! I love this color that you've used!
