Monday, June 30, 2014

Brighten your days!

This past week has left me running so I hope that this week slows down.  Between both of my kids, they had 21 baseball/softball games in 9 days last week!  This week it's time for a slower pace, laundry, housework, and some stamping!

I pulled out the fabulous Brighter Days stamp set from Verve to do a little watercoloring with tonight.  These open floral images are perfect to clear heat emboss and use the resist technique with!!!!  I used my Distress Inks and a waterbrush for this.....and seriously nothing fancy.  Quick and easy!!!  (and I had to add my favorite sparkling clear 4mm/6mm sequins from Pretty Pink Posh too!)


Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!

{Brighton your days}
Stamps:  Brighter Days (Verve)
Paper:  White, Soft Stone (PTI)
Ink:  Versamark, Picked Raspberry, Mustard Seed, Spiced Marmalade (Distress Inks), Onyx Black (Versafine)
Sequins: 4mm/6mm Sparkling Clear (Pretty Pink Posh)
Misc:  Clear Embossing Powder