Friday, April 4, 2014

Top Dog Dies---Purse Card Die

Hi everyone!  I'm back here today with a sneak of a darling purse card using the Purse Die and Purse Die Finishers Die set from Top Dog Dies!  I'd love for you to check out my full post over at Top Dog Dies blog.  Thanks so much to Meagan and the Top Dog Dies team for inviting me to share my projects wtih you!!

***side daughter promptly took this card from me when I was done, saying that this card was for her!  LOL  So this die will definitely get some use at my house!***

Love sneak

Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!


  1. Amy, the purse is super cute, and so funny that your daughter made it hers, my daughter would have done the same thing when she was younger :)

  2. This looks like a very cute project! Can see why P would want to swipe it! Will have to go take a look at the entire project!
