Wednesday, April 2, 2014

StampNation Guest Designer!

I am excited to share that I am going to be a Guest Designer over at StampNation for the month of April!  Catherine and the team have been over the top sweet and they have put together a fabulous site to certainly get your mojo going........from videos, to samples, to challenges.  There is something for everyone!

I'll be back tomorrow with a sneak of my project for the first weekly challenge in April.  There are some fabulous sponsors all lined up too!

Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!


  1. Congrats Amy! We're gunna have so much fun together at StampNation!

  2. We are so excited to have you, Amy! :)

  3. Congratulations and welcome to the design team for April! We are honored you will be joining us. Looking forward to seeing what you have created for the April challenges. :)
