Monday, February 17, 2014

Neat & Tangled Release: Hope Anchors

Welcome to the Neat & Tangled Stamps February Release!  The first release of the new year and first release with the new DT!  Welcome glad to have you all on board!


Today we are sharing a mini stamp called Hope Anchors.  To stay with more of a nautical theme and keep it simple, I've stamped the image and stamped another image cutting out just the mini banner adding that with foam adhesive.  What's more nautical than stripes?  I've stamped navy stripes from On the Strip 2 at a diagonal for a fun look.  What you can't see is the shimmer I sprayed over the entire card!!!


That's all for today but make sure to stop by the Neat & Tangled blog for more inspiration from the rest of the DT and to check out the giveaway each day!  All 4 sets will be available for purchase Thursday, 2/20 at 8am EST.

Thanks for sharing a part of your day with me!

Stamps:  Hope Anchors, On the Strip 2 (Neat & Tangled)
Paper:  White, Melon Berry (PTI)
Ink:  Navy (AMuse)
Misc:  Foam Adhesive, Vanilla Shimmer Mist


  1. Love this design! Such a pairing of cool colours too - so on trend! :)

  2. Great design, Amy. Love the stripes and the colors.

  3. Oh, this is gorgeous, Amy! I think I need this stamp set -- that's one of my favourite verses!

  4. That striped background really sets this off and ties everything together. Great card Amy!

  5. Such a simple and beautiful card!

  6. I really like the clean look of your beautiful card. I like the banner dimension and I think I can see the shimmer...I bet it looks awesome in person.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  7. I'm loving those stripes you stamped!! Super fun!
