Thursday, February 20, 2014

Neat and Tangled Release: Diamonds

Welcome back to the last day of preview of the newest release from Neat & Tangled!  Better yet....they are all available NOW in the shop!  Wahoo!


Today we are sharing a mini stamp called Diamonds.  Oh what we can do with this one!!!  I have so many ideas for these diamonds!!!  I love the randomness of the diamonds!!

***Disclaimer:  I used Distress Ink {again}, Gold {again}, and Vellum {again}......hehe***

I started by clear heat embossing the Diamond pattern stamp twice on a white cardstock.  I then did a Watercolor Resist technique with my Distress Ink in Peacock Feathers.  I literally just painted the color on in a back and forth motion but since I didn't use watercolor paper, I had to be quick and not use a lot of water.  To soften this panel, I stamped Celebrate from Just for You in Staz-On black onto a block of vellum and splattered some Heidi Swapp Color Shine in Gold across and let it dry.  To adhere my vellum panel, I sewed 2 lines across leaving the threads loose and long.  As a last minute detail, I used my pinking shears across the bottom of the vellum.


I'd LOVE to hear what you think about this really didn't take much time to do this technique if you were wanting to try this for yourself!

That's all for today but make sure to stop by the Neat & Tangled blog for more inspiration from the rest of the DT and remember the new sets are available NOW in the shop!!!!

Stamps:  Diamonds, Just for You (Neat & Tangled)
Paper:  White, Soft Stone (PTI)
Ink: Peacock Feathers (Distress Ink), Versamark, Black Staz-On
Misc:  Clear Embossing Powder, Color Shine Gold (Heidi Swapp), Pinking Shears, Janome Sew Mini


  1. Amy, I love this card so much I am going to steal your idea. Hope that is okay. I love the diamonds, the gold and of course my newest obsession...vellum.

  2. Love this artsy card from you! The stitching and the splatter are wonderful!

  3. I saw your fabulous card on the Neat & Tangled blog, Amy and had to come over to tell you how much I love it! Wonderful job!

  4. When something works...stay with it! I love the resist and inking. The vellum looks great and I like the spatters. Great job!
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com
