Wednesday, January 22, 2014

CHA recap.....Part 1!

What a fabulous time I had at CHA with Laura Pryor, Jen del Muro, and Stacey Schafer!  Each of these ladies are owners of design team's I'm so lucky to be a part of.......Lil' Inker Designs, Reverse Confetti, and Curtain Call!  I am so happy I finally got to meet these ladies I've known for years!  I can't wait until next time.........

Ready for some pictures?  Here we go!

This was my view as I walked to the convention center.  Oh yeah.....did I mention the weather was incredible?  Well, it was.  I could move there.  It's so wrong that California gets 70's during the winter!

The Lil' Inker Designs group!  Me, Heather Campbell (fellow Gallery Idol '12 girl), Laura Pryor

Kim Crawford and Stacey

Stacey, Me, Chari Moss

Lisa glad to finally meet this girl!

Jen del Muro, Tenia Nelson, Lorena Canto, Laura Pryor, Stacey Schafer

How adorable is that booth??  Doodlebug Design

Pebbles.....look at all the cute goodies!!

Dinner with Michelle Woerner and Lynn Mercurio at California Pizza Kitchen

Breakfast with DoBea Alberts (was on the Market Street DT together) and her daughter 

Photo with Jennifer McGuire, Kim Hughes, Karolyn Loncon

The Faber-Castell booth was serving up some Gelato after you did their make 'n take!  Yummy!!!

The Paper Crafts Group Meet 'n Greet......we got special issues!

Meeting fellow Gallery Idol '12 girl.....Nina Yang.   Man she is talented!

Heather and I

Oh yeah FINALLY get to meet THE Susan Opel on the 2nd day!!!  Yay so glad we time drinks.  :)

Tim Holtz....amazing to watch him demo.

Happy Hour with some fabulous ladies.........

Karolyn Loncon and Kim Hughes.......wonderful ladies!  Truly enjoyed visiting with them during happy hour.....loved to hear their stories and was a highlight of my CHA trip!!!

I will post pictures of all the make 'n takes I was able to do on another post......time to wrap this one up!
Thanks for sticking this one out!  Have a great day!


  1. Fabulous pics! Looks like so much fun!

  2. Oh ...Amy looks like you had so much fun! Thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures.

  3. Awesome pics, Amy! Looks like you had a fantastic time!

  4. Great photos! Looks like you had a wonderful time. SO jealous you got to meet so many face to face!

  5. It was great seeing your pictures! It looks like you had a fabulous time!

  6. Looks like so much fun! I wish I could have been there!

  7. Looks like you had a fabulous time! Thanks for sharing your photos!

  8. How super fun, love all your pictures!

  9. Girl, you just made me cry!! This is the coolest post ever, but your parting comment absolutely made me smile from ear to ear! It was beyond a pleasure to meet you face to face, too, and to have a chance to chat and get to know each other better. Meeting you was most certainly one of my highlights, too!! Next time you need to bring Laurie Willison with you - now THAT would be a blast!! XOXO

  10. Looks like such a great time! Thanks for sharing your pics!

  11. Looks like so much fun, Amy! Thanks for sharing your pics with us! Have a blessed weekend!

  12. Oh my goodness! Looks like you had a blast!!
