Sunday, November 24, 2013

Special Delivery

Happy Weekend!!!  I unexpectedly got the day off from work today (we are open today so that patients and staff can enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday off).  So we have big plans to get our Christmas goodies put up......I hope we can enjoy some holiday music too! 
  I needed a little treat for someone that I won't see until after the holiday.........Just to wish happy holidays in a fun way.  :)
I've used some awesome new dies from Reverse Confetti!  I can't rave enough about versatile, timeless, and trendy!!!  I've used the Sweet Treat Tent Die and the Tag Me Dies.  You all need these in your die stash....seriously. 
Here's my project:  To get started, I've die cut 3 pieces with the Sweet Treat Tent Die (2 white, 1 pattern).  The die makes prescored lines to make it easy to know where the folds are.  Adhere the pattern piece to the white base and assemble your treat tent.  I've used Scor-tape to adhere everything together.  I swear by this tape!!! 
I didn't mention I added some of my favorite GHIRARDELLI squares to the inside with Scortape.......hehe.  Here's the front all embellished up with more dies and sentiments from Reverse Confetti.  Tying everything together is FABULOUS twine from Timeless Twine.......Olive Green.

Thanks so much for sharing part of your weekend with me!!
{Special Delivery}
Stamps:  Tinsel 'n Trim, Whole Lotta Dots (Reverse Confetti)
Paper:  White, Rustic Cream (PTI)
Pattern Paper:  Noel Christmas (AC)
Ink:  Cherry (AMuse), Mojito (Fresh Ink)
Dies:  Sweet Treat Tent Die, Tag Me Dies (Reverse Confetti)
Twine:  Olive Green (Timeless Twine by Bella Creationz)
Misc:  Sequins (AC), Foam Adhesive


  1. Love this project! Enjoy your bonus day of getting festive! :)

  2. sooooo cute, Amy. love those colored stripes with the polka dotted tags.

  3. What a nice little project. Fabulous!

  4. So bright and fun Amy! Great to see those dies in action!

  5. That's so cute Amy!! I love the little sequins you used and the patterns too!!

  6. Adorable, Amy! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Amy...this is just too darn cute! I love the way you decorated your sweet treat container, so fun.

  8. Adorable...
    I just love it! :)
    And can anyone actually resist those sweets?
    Yummy!! :)

  9. I looooooove this, Amy! I LOVE the papers and that twine-- love your use of the stamps!!! This is amazing:) Hope you are doing well <3 Totally miss ya! Happy Thanksgiving <3

  10. What a fun idea! I love giving those little chocolates as gifts! This is too cute!

  11. A "tent". Now that is one cool project.
