Monday, March 18, 2013

Sweet hello....

Hi everyone!  It's Monday.......Spring Break time at my house!
We are in the middle of building forts, watching movies, and having fun.  :)

I have a sweet little "hello" card for you today using several Neat & Tangled stamps!
I created my own plaid panel using the solid strip from the newest set:  On the Strip 2 in kraft ink.  Adding in a "hello" sentiment from Swirly Twirly Tags......stamped off and stamped again for the shadow effect. 
I had to add in several stamped hearts from Just Thinking of You for good measure!
Stamps:  Just Thinking of You, Swirly Twirly Tags, On the Strip 2 (Neat & Tangled)
Paper:  White (PTI)
Ink:  Kraft (PTI), Shell (Amuse)


  1. Beautiful plaid Amy!
    Enjoy your break with the kids! Mind went back today as our break was last week.

  2. So adorable and sweet !! I am so excited for when my peanut gets a little bigger and we can build forts :) hope you all are having awesome family time !!

  3. Ooh, very clever to create your own plaid with that stamp Amy - it turned out so well! Great colours too, love the generational stamping on the sentiment!

  4. So sweet Amy! Love how you created your own gingham and I love the color combo!

  5. Great card!! Love the plaid and the twine bow is perfect.

    Love the blanket forts! Kids always love to make them and they are getting really good at them now! We are on spring break here too - for two weeks - so I'll be one tire out mommy LOL!

  6. Looks like the start to a fun spring break! Enjoy!
    Love your pink and tan checked card , so pretty!

  7. Sounds like fun - love the tents - I miss those days! That plaid/gingham is awesome!

  8. have fun with the forts!! cute card too!!

  9. Hope you ave a fantastic spring break! Love your card! I need to get Kraft ink it looks fabulous!

  10. Forts are so much fun!
    Your card is beautiful!

  11. Such a lovely card!! So sweet! :)

  12. Hope you are enjoying Spring Break! Love the kraft plaid with the soft pink!

  13. Amy, seeing those forts brings back wonderful memories of hours playing under our dining room table with my daughter when she was little, she was the queen of fort building! Amazing card too and I have that set so I will be able to CAS you! So happy.

  14. Oh yes! We've had some forts going on here too! Fun times!

    Your hello card is so warm and country feeling. Love the softness and the sentiment stamped twice!
