Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cloud 9 Blog Hop {September}

Eeeeekkk!  I almost didn't make it!  It {was} time for the September Cloud 9 Blog Hop and I did get something made but almost forgot to get it linked up in time!  And then my post....well, I left it in draft and unscheduled.  Guess that's what I get for having a busy start to the week!  So here is an updated version of my post!  ha!
This month's Cloud 9 blog hop was an inspiration photo of this beautiful outdoor scene.  I was inspired by the tree and the hanging birdhouses.  I knew right away what set I wanted to use!  I've been trending toward the less=more kinda card.  I like how this turned out; however, my photo doesn't show the lighter clouds very well.  Those cloud stamps are SOO how Dawn illustrated them with little dots! 
Cloud 9 Blog Hop

Here is the inspiration photo for this month:

Thanks for stopping in today.....I hope to have some serious crafty time this afternoon.  But first, I'm having a lunch date at school with my son!

***I realized after posting that the CASology Cue Card for this week is sky!  I'm going to link this up over there for their challenge!  If you haven't played along, you need to!***


{Hang in there.....}
Stamps:  Heartfelt Mix (Wplus9)
Paper:  SS White (PTI)
Ink:  Pure Poppy, True Black (PTI), Ocean, Sky (AMuse)
Dies:  Heart (Wplus9)
Misc:  Rustic Jute Button Twine (PTI)


  1. What a sweet and encouraging card.

  2. Oh I love it!!! glad you were able to make it in time! I really need to order from them. They make lovely stamps!

  3. Click, add to cart...I'd like to order a set of this GORGEOUS card. Love, love, love it Amy!

  4. Adorable card Amy! Love those clouds stamps.

  5. Amy I love this card and its meaning. Very creative.

  6. What a wonderful sentiment - encouraging for anyone! Love the pop of red on your sky! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  7. Love the lone gingham hanging heart! Sometimes all we need are some kind words. Love that sentiment.

  8. LOVE it!!
    And really lovin' that sentiment!!
    Such a fabulous take on the pic...
    love those clouds and the red heart...
    perfect!! :)

  9. Glad you made it over here Amy. Thank you so much for joining us this week at CASology!

  10. I'm so glad you got your card posted--love it! The heart and clouds are so wonderful. Great take on the inspiration photo. Love the sentiment too!

  11. This is THE sweetest idea and finished product! I just adore it!!

  12. I love your card - its totally gorgeous x x

  13. aaawww.. absolutely adorable and the very definition of CAS... thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  14. Awww, Amy, its so sweet :) I love the twine holding up the single heart :)

  15. Love your take on this challenge.

  16. Oh, I LOVE this sweet card!!! The soft colors with the pop of bold red is fabulous and that sentiment is absolutely wonderful! Thanks so much for joining us at CASology this week! :)

  17. love your cloud and the heart is a nice bold touch on there, great sentiment too, gorgeous card..

    I am joining too the CASology challenge and my card is Nr. 58 would you mind to see it on my blog? I would be so glad if you could leave me some love :) Many thanks before :) hugs, Monika

  18. Absolutely GREAT CAS card ~ love the sentiment!

  19. A beautiful card!! I thought I had left a comment for you here the other day, but I guess Blogger ate it. :) Congrats on your Honorable Mention at CASology!

  20. Simply super! Love the gingham heart. Congratulations on your Honourable Mention at CASology!

  21. Hearts? Check. Clouds? Check. Twine? Check. Sentiments? Check. So...why is it that everytime you use this set I think I NEED it even though I have similar sets? Well, it is because you always use this set in such cute ways!! Ummm, yes, I DO need it! ...thanks a lot! LOL!! :)
